MESIA SPACE arte contemporanea
MESIA SPACE is a "border" exhibition space which allows the artists exhibiting there to go through different expressive modes, becoming a place for dialogue and reflection on their own creative research and on the “making” of the artistic experience.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details

MESIA SPACE is a "border" exhibition space - located directly in the City, a large shop window facing the Latin Walls. A space also seen by the non-specialist public of the inhabitants of the neighborhood, which allows the artists exhibiting there to go through different expressive modes, becoming a place for dialogue and reflection on their own creative research and on the “making” of the artistic experience.

 MESIA SPACE is an active project since 2015 - thanks to the work of Cinzia Colombo, artist, and Alessandro Riva, psychoanalyst, and of all those who actively took part in the various initiatives - with the creation of exhibitions, installations, conference, performances, meetings with the artists… events characterized each time by moments of dialogue and conviviality.

After Connessioni - which from September 2020 to November 2021 allowed the monthly alternation of 14 artists in “art residency” in a period marked by the anxieties and limitations caused by Covid – Mesia Space's new project Umanità?! is an invitation to question ourselves and dialogue to propose - through the means of art and beyond - narratives that address from different points of view the complex problems of humanity understood in the broadest sense of the set of human beings who inhabit the earth and the qualities and weaknesses that characterize them. Visual artists and also artists and scholars of other disciplines will participate with installations, videos, performances, conferences, debates, texts, music... organized in events of different durations that will take place in Mesia Space with a flexible agenda and a periodic publication that will collect what is presented.





Events at Rome Art Week
Benedetta Galli - Stone
07-28 Oct 2023
Benedetta Galli - Stone
intervento nell'ambito del progetto Umanità?!
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 07 Oct 2023 | 19:00-21:00
MESIA SPACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3 / Via Vulci, 32
Benedetta Galli - Stone - meeting with the public
28 Oct 2023 | 18:30-21:30
Benedetta Galli - Stone - meeting with the public
sarà proiettata la documentazione video della performance del 20 ottobre
Free access
MESIA SPACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3 / Via Vulci, 32
Cinzia Colombo - Madre terra d
22-28 Oct 2022
Cinzia Colombo - Madre terra d'ombra bruciata
opera libro in progress esposta nelle pagine: "un albero vivo per uno morto"
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 22 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:30
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3 / Via Vulci, 32
CONNESSIONI  /  settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
22-28 Oct 2022
CONNESSIONI / settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
presentazione del catalogo cartaceo del progetto Connessioni
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 22 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:30
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Benedetta Galli - Attraversando Porta Nigra - presentazione del libro
25 Oct 2022 | 17:00-17:30
Benedetta Galli - Attraversando Porta Nigra - presentazione del libro
testi di Mara Predicatori e Danilo Fiorucci - edizioni freemocco
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3 / Via Vulci, 32
Danilo Fiorucci - Lo spazio assente - presentazione del libro
25 Oct 2022 | 17:30-18:00
Danilo Fiorucci - Lo spazio assente - presentazione del libro
testi di Aldo Iori e Davide Silvioli - edizioni freemocco
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3 / Via Vulci, 32
Silvia Stucky - Il silenzio abitato delle case
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00
Silvia Stucky - Il silenzio abitato delle case
Presentazione libro - videoproiezione e azione performativa
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
01 Sep 2020-30 Nov 2021
Il nuovo progetto di MESIA SPACE che da settembre 2020 ospiterà 13 installazioni
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Cinzia Colombo | Margherita Taticchi - Two but not Two
06-30 Oct 2021
Cinzia Colombo | Margherita Taticchi - Two but not Two
installazione visivo sonora - intervento nell'ambito del progetto CONNESSIONI
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 06 Oct 2021 | 18:00-20:30
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Image not present
27 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSIONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
30 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Ysabel Dehais - Undertow
01-30 Oct 2020
Ysabel Dehais - Undertow
Progetto di arte esperienziale nell'ambito di Connessioni
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Ysabel Dehais - Undertow - Working Progress
28 Oct 2020 | 17:00
Ysabel Dehais - Undertow - Working Progress
l’artista dipingendo in estemporanea condivide l’esperienza nel suo farsi
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Alchimia Matrilineare - YSABEL DEHAIS
29 Sep-31 Oct 2019
Alchimia Matrilineare - YSABEL DEHAIS
Installazione site specific
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
conversazione con YSABEL DEHAIS
24 Oct 2019 | 20:00
conversazione con YSABEL DEHAIS
dialogo con l'artista che presenta Alchimia Matrilineare a ME.SIA S.PACE
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
07 Oct-08 Nov 2018
FRANCA BERNARDI - installazione
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
conversazione con FRANCA BERNARDI
26 Oct 2018 | 18:00
conversazione con FRANCA BERNARDI
dialogo con l'artista che presenta STACCATO CONTINUO a ME.SIA S.PACE
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
walking: paths in/out
09 Oct 2017 | 18:00
walking: paths in/out
exhibits the activity carried out by MESIA SPACE - the artists will be present
Free access
Mesia Space Arte Contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Vacuum, the Absent Space (variazione n. 1) - DANILO FIORUCCI
09 Oct-05 Nov 2017
Vacuum, the Absent Space (variazione n. 1) - DANILO FIORUCCI
is a research project relating to a central knot of art: the vacuum
Free access
Mesia Space Arte Contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
dialogue with DANILO FIORUCCI
14 Oct 2017 | 19:00
dialogue with DANILO FIORUCCI
dialogue with the artist who show "VACUUM" in MESIA SPACE
Free access
MESIA SPACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
walking: paths in/out
14 Oct 2017 | 18:00
walking: paths in/out
exhibits the activity carried out by MESIA SPACE - the artists will be present
Free access
Mesia Space Arte Contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
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