Paola Romoli Venturi was born in Rome, where she lives and works. Her artistic research is linked to the value of transparency as a means of communicating. 'Transparency and suspension predispose the visitor to "look through", not to take his eyes off to observe things to reflect' this is the inspiring thought of her performances and installations exposed in Italy and abroad. In her work she touches on social themes, creating spaces designed by light shadows and sounds, using different expressive pictorial sculptural means, video audio and site specific performative installations. Among her projects: Traspaquadri (2004/2006), mOlecOle e madre natura (2007), instant art_vedova di guerra_Alessandra (2008), La Sentenza_Das Urteil (2009/2010), instat art_SI=NO (2011) PTV_ Paola Trash Vortex (2012/2016) SALVA LA TUA BALENA! (2013/2019) ARMA LETALE (2015/2019) MANTRAreading (2015/2019) WE(2016) Caos, caso, osa, sa, o. (2016) MEMORIE: MAIN MEMORY, BY HEART, PAR COEUR (2017). Saluti da Carrara! (2018/2019) transfusioni project (2016/2020). In 2019 she created the performative project ROVESCIARE for the MACROasilo in Rome. In 2020 during the lockdown she made the DIARIO_dichecoloreè? Among her ongoing projects the performative sculpture MEMORIALE. In 2021she developed the concept: il cappello del momento! and the project: Non riesco a tornare a casa, and she created the installation: 4finestre. In 2022 she exhibit the work BASOLO’s View (2019) in Amsterdam and she perform in streaming BASOLO’s Sound - embodied map. She currently works on the concept: Second Life and at the ‘cutting sound_Sono una lacrima’
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Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 17:00
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Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
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