
Rome Art Week has entered into a valuable collaboration with the individual municipalities of the Capital in order to enhance and promote the cultural offerings on contemporary art that stimulate and promote the adhering neighborhood bodies.

This strategic partnership was created with the aim of involving local communities in the enjoyment of contemporary art, bringing artworks and art events directly to different areas of the city of Rome. Thanks to the synergy between Rome Art Week and the city halls, a closer link was created between the event and the territorial realities, allowing the cultural resources of each individual neighborhood to be better enhanced.

Through this collaboration, the municipalities were offered the opportunity to promote artists and works from their communities, giving them a privileged space of visibility during Rome Art Week. This helped create an inclusive and diverse artistic network, reflecting the cultural and creative richness of the city of Rome.

In addition, the collaboration with the municipalities has allowed the local population to be actively involved in the event, creating a sense of belonging and participation. Through exhibitions, performances, workshops, and other cultural events, Rome Art Week offered residents the opportunity to discover and appreciate contemporary art in their daily life context, strengthening the link between culture and community.

This synergy with the municipalities represents an important step forward in the promotion and enhancement of contemporary art in Rome. Thanks to the collaboration between Rome Art Week and neighborhood bodies, we are able to offer a cultural experience that is more inclusive, accessible and rooted in the urban fabric of the city.

We will continue to work hand in hand with the municipalities to further develop this collaboration and to bring contemporary art ever closer to the lives of Roman citizens. We are grateful for the support and commitment of the municipalities in enhancing the cultural offerings of the Capital and are excited to continue this adventure together.

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