Silvia Stucky
«From paper to installation, performance and video, Stucky's practice is made up of minimal interventions in which authorship withdraws [...] to highlight unintentional beauty, respecting otherness in all its forms». Francesca Gallo
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Events at Rome Art Week
Chair Poetics
20 Oct-10 Nov 2023
Chair Poetics
exhibition of artist's chairs and more about that iconic object
Free access
Vernissage Friday 20 Oct 2023 | 17:30-21:00
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
CONNESSIONI  /  settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
22-28 Oct 2022
CONNESSIONI / settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
presentazione del catalogo cartaceo del progetto Connessioni
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 22 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:30
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
24-29 Oct 2022
The monochrome as a horizon in which all colors are reflected
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:30-20:30
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Silvia Stucky - Il silenzio abitato delle case
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00
Silvia Stucky - Il silenzio abitato delle case
Presentazione libro - videoproiezione e azione performativa
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
01 Sep 2020-30 Nov 2021
Il nuovo progetto di MESIA SPACE che da settembre 2020 ospiterà 13 installazioni
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Heaven and its representations
26 Oct 2021 | Time to be defined
Heaven and its representations
5pm. opening; 6pm lecture by Guidotto Colleoni; 7pm Book/Catalogue introduction
Free access
Orario non definito
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Image not present
27 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSIONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
30 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Paradise and its representations
26 Oct 2020 | 17:30
Paradise and its representations
A choral reflection and an exhibition on the theme of Paradise
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
Viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Paradise Room
28-31 Oct 2020
Paradise Room
a microcosm of artistic presences united in a single sensorial machine
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
Viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Double Couple - Opening
21-26 Oct 2019
Double Couple - Opening
On display works by six artistic couples
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Dangerous kindness project
24 Oct 2019 | 17:00
Dangerous kindness project
La gentilezza è pericolosa - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Officine Nove
Vicolo del Casale Galvani 9
Double Couple - Third talk
25 Oct 2019 | 18:30
Double Couple - Third talk
Meeting with the couples Stucky - Benci; Poulain - Lapiana. Video projection
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Double Couple - Closing
26 Oct 2019 | 18:00
Double Couple - Closing
Closure of the exhibition and screening of all the videos
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Happening for the lost third landscape
22 Oct 2018 | 17:00
Happening for the lost third landscape
installations and actions on the street - opening of the exibitions
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
The secret of the garden
22-27 Oct 2018
The secret of the garden
An urban microeden by Donatella Vici, Stefania Di Filippo and Alberto D'Amico
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
The secret of the garden
24 Oct 2018 | 17:00
The secret of the garden
An urban microeden by Donatella Vici, Stefania Di Filippo and Alberto D'Amico
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Finissage, closing, chiusura and film
27 Oct 2018 | 19:00
Finissage, closing, chiusura and film
Closing of the exhibition and screening
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Round table, between Gillés Clément and the planetary gardens
27 Oct 2018 | 16:00
Round table, between Gillés Clément and the planetary gardens
Round table with very short "TED" style interventions
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Transfusioni# Sul filo del desiderio
10 Oct 2017 | 18:30
Transfusioni# Sul filo del desiderio
Vernissage installation, performance, video, photography and painting
Free access
Archivio Menna Binga
Via dei Monti di Pietralata, 16
Transfusioni# Sul filo del desiderio
10-21 Oct 2017
Transfusioni# Sul filo del desiderio
curated by Anna D’Elia
Free access
Archivio Menna Binga
Via dei Monti di Pietralata, 16
Maria Lai. The thread of existence
14 Oct 2017 | 17:00
Maria Lai. The thread of existence
ore 17.00 Anna D’Elia dialogherà con l'autrice Maria Elvira Ciusa
Free access
Archivio Menna Binga
Via dei Monti di Pietralata, 16
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