An eclectic artist, she creates sculptural installations using various elements (fabrics, yarns, plastics, metals, and natural materials), focusing on the transformation of materials over time and the study of the relationship between humans and nature.
Data and contact details

In the early years of her career, she experimented with the use of body and voice in theatrical and sound performances. She studied and practiced specific artistic composition techniques, integrating floral materials and sculptural elements of her own creation (following the Japanese Free Style tradition of the Ikenobo school).

Her artistic path expanded with the creation of sculptural installations where the artist uses and reworks fabrics, yarns, recycled plastics, metals, and natural elements.

Later, she focused her interest on experimental photographic research aimed at exploring a natural and/or urban microcosm. From this, she draws inspiration and visual material that she reworks using sculptural and installation techniques.

She deepened her research through the study of life drawing applied to the creation of sculptural compositions.

She is a member of the cultural association IGNORARTE.

Since 2008, she has participated in several group exhibitions for the GARD Gallery in Rome and MARGINI E SEGNI in Bracciano, including the collective exhibition "Maria Carla, Carla, Carla Maria."

In 2012, she took part in the project "In the Box - All Sessions," made in Rome by MARGINI E SEGNI (curated by Maurizio Caminito and Stefania Fabri) in collaboration with Lanificio 159, with the work "The Secret Life of Walls, Men, and Other Animals."

She has exhibited in various Art and Fashion contexts, including exhibitions at the space "GAVAUDAN. ART OF GOLD AND OTHER MATERIALS." In 2017, she participated with artistic objects in the event "Arte indosso" at the FRAMMENTI D’ARTE Gallery, in collaboration with Donatella Vici and D&S ATELIER.

Over the years, she has collaborated with the IKENOBO Study Group in setting up artistic floral compositions at cultural and museum spaces in Rome.

In 2017, she created a freestyle installation for the Japanese Cultural Institute in Rome, during the tenth-anniversary exhibition of the Ikenobo school in Rome.

In March 2018, she presented her research journey at ME.SIA S.PACE ARTE CONTEMPORANEA in Rome, with the installation “Piccole Cose” ("Small Things").

She participated in the 2018 edition of RAW – Rome Art Week with the installation "Svelàti, svèlati" as part of the project “Il Segreto del Giardino” ("The Secret of the Garden") at STUDIO CAMPO BOARIO in Rome.

In December 2018, she created the installation "The Missing Photo" at ME.SIA S.PACE Arte Contemporanea in Rome.

In March 2019, she took part in the group exhibition EXCLAMATION organized by the Cultural Association IGNORARTE at the KRISKELION art gallery in Piazza Armerina, in Sicily, with the installation "Le Manichine" ("The Little Mannequins").

In July 2019, she organised the group exhibition: INUSUALE. TRACCE PER UN'ESPOSIZIONE DISALLINEATA (“UNUSUAL. TRACES FOR A DISALIGNED EXHIBITION”), at her own studio home studio SACHEN in partnership with Ignorarte, featuring 16 artists and presenting the work "Uccelli Impigliati" ("Tangled Birds").

She participated in the 2019 edition of RAW – Rome Art Week, in the Exclamation 2 exhibition, presented by Ignorarte at the GARD Gallery in Rome, with the installation "IMMONDO" ("FILTHY").

In December 2019, she installed and donated the work "Esodo" (“Exodus) to the MAAM museum in Rome.

She was one of the speakers at the study day organised by ME.SIA S.PACE on the 25th of January 2019: “Praticare l’arte per coltivare la salute”, "Practicing Art to Cultivate Health," with the talk: "I modi della cura: "Dire Fare Guardare" ("The Ways of Care: Saying, Doing, Watching").

In February 2020, she took part in the group exhibition by Ignorarte: Exclamation 3 at the gallery L’ARCA DI NOESIS in Rome with the work "sTorta Nuziale."

In October 2020, she participated with Ignorarte in the collective installation "Arte da Macello" (“Slaughterhouse Art”) at the MAAM museum in Rome with the work "Ma quand'è che me dai un bacio" ("But When Will You Give Me a Kiss?").

She participated in the 2020 edition of RAW – Rome Art Week with the event "Accasati" at her own home studio SACHEN.

In December 2020, she created the installation “Confessioni Silenziose”,("Silent Confessions") at ME.SIA S.PACE Arte Contemporanea as part of the "Connessioni" Project - 13 site-specific installations (September 2020 - November 2021).

In July 2021, she participated in the exhibition "Osmosi- Risonanze d'arte contemporanea" ("Osmosis- Resonances of Contemporary Art") organised by Ignorarte at the Botanical Garden Museum of Rome with the installation "Mutanti Migranti Resilienti. Dodici, Otto, Tre." ("Mutants Migrants Resilient. Twelve, Eight, Three").

She participated in the 2021 edition of RAW – Rome Art Week with the event “Nidi” ("Nests") at her own home studio SACHEN.

In March 2022, she took part in the exhibition "Drawing As Concept #0" curated by Trebisonda APS in Perugia, with the work "SCARTI."

In September 2022, she participated in the group exhibition "Osmosi- Risonanze d'arte contemporanea" ("Osmosis - Resonances of Contemporary Art, II Edition") organised by Ignorarte at the Botanical Garden Museum of Viterbo with the installation "Muteazioni" ("Muteactions").

She participated in the 2022 edition of RAW at the open studio Sachen with the event "Kleine Sachen - Small Things."

For the 2023 RAW edition, as part of the open studio SACHEN, she presented the event: "Rosa?"


In February 2024, she created the site-specific installation “Tempo Profondo” ("Deep Time") with video installations by Jan Stöckel, filmmaker and anthropologist.

Events at Rome Art Week
22 Oct 2024 | 16:00-20:00
femminile plurale by Cinzia Colombo, Ysabel Dehais, Carla Sacco
Free access
Open Studio
Studio Sachen
Via Acqui n.7
23 Oct 2023 | 15:00-19:00

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Sachen
Via Acqui n.7
CONNESSIONI  /  settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
22-28 Oct 2022
CONNESSIONI / settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
presentazione del catalogo cartaceo del progetto Connessioni
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 22 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:30
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
26 Oct 2022 | 15:00-18:00

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Sachen
Via Acqui n.7
01 Sep 2020-30 Nov 2021
Il nuovo progetto di MESIA SPACE che da settembre 2020 ospiterà 13 installazioni
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Carla Sacco
25 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
Carla Sacco

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Carla Sacco Sachen
Via Acqui n.7
Image not present
27 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSIONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
30 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
28 Oct 2020 | 17:00-20:00

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Sachen
Via Acqui, 7 Scala A Int.18
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