Paola Romoli Venturi Open Studio



EVERY DAY from 25 to 30 October from 11.00 to 18.00

Installation visible from the sidewalk of viale Eritrea, height at number 104/106 looking at the facade of number 91.

CLOSED STUDIO ‘on the road’ 

SINGLE DATE Monday 25 October 2021 at 11.00

appointment with Paola Romoli Venturi in Viale Eritrea 91 under the portico.

The walk will have a variable duration based on the curiosity and availability of the participants.

<< I don't show you where I work, but where I live. >>

Closed studio organized on the occasion of the sixth edition of RAW ROME ART WEEK 25 - 30 October 2021

BIO Paola Romoli Venturi draws, paints, sculpts, models, writes, sings, designs, organizes - in one word: perform.


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