Weaam ElMasry
Weaam El Masry è un'artista visiva egiziana, pluripremiata, con sede tra Il Cairo e Dubai. Attualmente lavora come Direttrice dell'Arte e del Design presso l'Università dell'Est di Londra, Campus EUE.
Dati e contatti

Weaam El Masry is an award-winning Egyptian artist based in Cairo-Dubai. She holds a PH.D. in Media Art from the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University. She currently works as the Director of Art and Design at the University of East London, EUE Campus. She is a curator and co-founder of the contemporary art gallery Easel and Camera, located in Egypt.

She is also a painter who sometimes moves into photography, animation and installation. Her work has been exhibited in galleries, festivals, art fairs, Biennials and museums locally and internationally especially; The Norval Sovereign African Art Prize 2024, the 30 selected works will be exhibited at The Norval Foundation Art Museum, Cape Town, South Africa (14 February-15 May 2024), The AIR MUSEUM (30.7.-22.10.2023) Germany, "Nexus" at Verpackerei Gallery in Görisried, Germany (2023), 59th Venice Biennale. 2022, "Egypt International Art Fair" (2020), "The Sixth Silk Road International Arts Festival", Shaanxi Provincial Museum of Fine Arts - China (2019), Beirut Art Fair (2018), The Biblical Book and Book-Object Biennale, 1st Edition, National Literary Museum - Bucharest, Romania (2018), The 10th Luxor International Painting Symposium, The Egyptian Ministry of Culture (through its Cultural Development Fund), Luxor, Egypt (2017), The Florence Biennale, Italy (2015), The 5th Beijing International Art Biennale, China (2012), One Minute Film & Video Festival in Aarau, Switzerland (2008), The Egyptian Museum of Contemporary Art and numerous group and solo exhibitions in Egypt and abroad.

With over 25 awards and scholarships from different institutions in Egypt and abroad; for example but not limited to; UNESCO-Aschberg Scholarships for Artists (2012), Culture Resource Award for Artistic Production for Young Arab Artists & Writers - the Arab Region (2006), DAAD, Germany (2005-2006), Pro-Helvetia, Swiss Council for the Arts (2010), Alexandria Library, Egypt (2005), Kulturamt Düsseldorf, Germany (2002) and over 75 exhibitors

Eventi a Rome Art Week
Border Crossing Hypothesis
22 Ott-05 Nov 2024
Border Crossing Hypothesis
La mostra esplora l’essere straniero in un mondo globalizzato, unendo oltre 22 artisti internazionali. Esamina identità, migrazione e integrazione, promuovendo l’arte come mezzo per superare barriere e favorire il dialogo culturale
Accesso libero
Vernissage Martedì 22 Ott 2024 | 18:00-21:00
Ufficio Culturale Egiziano
Via delle Terme di Traiano, 13
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