Il lavoro di Circé parte da una familiarità con i corpi femminili e le forme femminili, per evolversi in uno spazio di possibilità e trasformazioni. La sua ricerca esplora identità e narrazioni sociali.
Dati e contatti

Circé creates since a young age, however it is in the last demi-decade in Mexico that she assumes herself completely as an artist and set a studio in Mexico City to work in more methodical way. After a first solo show in Madre Café in may 2021 that will get her exposure she will start to become acquainted to the art scene of the city, taking part - among other - in drawing sessions with models together with other emerging artists in the sculptor’s Jorge Marin studio that will give ground for some of her pieces.


After a group exhibition with other emerging artists during the Art Week in Mexico City in February 2022 in Madre Café she will head to La Habana to take part to some workshops and classes both in the Instituto Bellas Artes de San Alejandro and in the Instituto Superior de Artes (ISA). This last experiences will introduce her to a more academical and theoretical ground that will help her continue evolving her creation in the frame of the Contemporary Art practice. This experience in La Havana will provide her with the opportunity of getting to know deeply the art Cuban art scene, and the opportunity of being part of a group exhibition in the in the frame of the 60 years of the creation of the Instituto de Bellas Artes de San Alejandro.


In January 2024 she participates in Mexico City Art Week in Colonia with a painting and sculptoric installation, and she moves back to her hometown Roma in March 2024 where she sets her new studio. She introduced herself in Rome with a 24h painting performance of 30m2 in Spazio Ventre in May 2024 drawing from the classical inconography that the return in her hometown inspires her.


Her research focuses in identity as she delves into societal stories that highlight the struggle most human face for equality and acceptance in the post-modern world. She expresses herself mainly through painting and drawing, but also serigraphy and sculpture.

Eventi a Rome Art Week
24 Ott 2024 | 19:00-23:00
Dialogo che esplora la relazione tra l’umano e il mondo animale, attraverso il confronto corpo/volto. Circé e Vittoria Notarbartolo di Villarosa, partendo da approcci distinti, si incontrano su un terreno comune che indaga l'essenza dell'identità
Accesso libero
Open Studio
Studio Circe
Via dei Montecatini, 5
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