Penelope Filacchione
To reach as many people as possible off the beaten path, if possible to undermine the Churches of Art (as Tom Wolfe called it), I became a Curator by accident!
Data and contact details

What else can we say about something that is thousands of years old?

 There comes a time, living in a city like Rome, when you feel the past is bullying you and you long to break free. The Grande Bellezza is suffocating and Tristan Tzara’s quote “A work of art is never beautiful by decree” becomes ever more a part of you as time goes by. That is why, after having been close to artists for a long time looking for oxygen and for a glimpse at the future, you just loose interest in answering that question…

Why is it that I’m a curator by chance?

It might be the twenty odd years  teaching and promoting Art History; it might be the boredom of university bombast; it might be the stamina the audience still puts in going against all that is not yet history; it might be the need  to call on art that is coming to life instead of on the art that lays dead in books; it might be that  I forget names but never an image; it might be that I too want to understand where we are going; it might be my curious nature too….

First one, then two, then three artists, a text, a mention, a short review, a debate with the artist friend of the hour, an exhibition and then another…then came the trust. “My” artists have faith in me. They know I respect them because a long time ago I had a try at it, just to realize I feel better on the other side of the picture. Since then I have never stopped admiring and respecting those who try to earn a living making art out of intellectual honesty, truth and hard work.

For me and for them, because this city is however a tight fit, to find a way, a place and the right time to tell the story of their work, because if the artwork is invaluable it is the only thing that counts.

To reach as many people possible off the beaten track, to unhinge if possible The Churchs of Art (as Tom Wolfe called it), I became a Curator by accident!

Life History

The only known case of a student forced to go to Artistic High School by her post-1968 mom (quoting her: “Creativity gets lost, you can study Latin and Greek when you are older”). I finally studied humanities at University and specialized following my wishes.

Being presumptuous like only an 18- year old can be, I chose a systematic syllabus from classical times to our days and had my thesis assigned before acknowledging I loved most our days. I therefore participated in a post-graduate degree in classical studies. I loved it and still love it but finally I figured out that life is more than debating “how-many-angels-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin "( Tom Wolfe)

 I feed on university students.

I stubbornly go on teaching in spite of the everlasting lack of job security because the students, with their questions, their energy and even with their apathy are nutrition for my soul. They are the best reason to go on for another day and find yet a new way to spread Art.

Having experienced to the bitter end the freak world of Roman Cultural Associations I have enhanced the skill of speaking to audiences from age 0 to 90, going on and on about art and artists to whoever wants to listen to me!

Someone once told me “it looks like you’re looking at the world from bottom to top (I am not tall at all) put actually you look at it from top to bottom” . This made me feel so proud because every day I earn my place in a world of giants, maybe not in a systematic way but always putting all my heart and my intellect into it, always trying not to step on others.

On  the Internet you will find my academic work, here you can read my work with artists.


What do I do?

I teach Art History at Scuole d’Arti e Mestieri di Roma Capitale. I am Holder of the chair of Archeology and Art History at Università Pontificia Salesiana, professor in the master for the enhancement of cultural heritage at Link Campus University-

Member of Research Unit “Beni Culturali & Cultural Heritage” at Digital Administration and Social Innovation Center (DASIC) at Link Campus University objective sustainable Development of cultural tourism using digital technology via the project ArteCultura con Trasporto.


After nearly thirty years working with cultural associations I have found my channel in the live phenomenon of Street Art holding educational workshops with OfficinArte and Monteverde Viva. The mural “La conoscenza vola” made by artists and students at Cesana School exhibited officially 30 May 2016 at the City Hall and then at the exhibition Beyond, OFFICINE MECCANICHE, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Street art (1-30 October 2016)


Since 2015 I have been working as art curator for institutions and galleries as Tri Mission art gallery, Galleria Ellebi Cosenza, Link Campus University.


 I thought out and still edit the project” Natale in Arte –perché regalando un opera si è felici in tre”. A Christmas Fair of affordable art for people not used to buying art. After the first generalist annual fair, the second was devoted to engraving and graphics, the third annual will take place in 2018. Titled “2D/3D” it will investigate the relationship between photography and sculpture created by the viewer’s perception considered as the 5th dimension “The viewer affects the system observed”


In september 2018 I started a non-profit named “Art Sharing Roma” with the aim of sharing art among artists and between artists and the public. 

Here the links to the gallery's activities in its first year of life

RAW 2018:

- Natale in Arte 2018

- cyanotype workshop for children with the photographer Raffaele Alecci expert in ancient techniques:

- Art in your pocket. Exhibition of affordable small art:

- Mese della Fotografia March 2019

Mese delle Fotografia Penelope Filacchione

- Exhibition: David Renka, Riflessioni, ArtSharing Roma Gallery 6-14 april 2019

- Vittorio Sordi, In her shoes. Performance and artistic installation at MAAM Museo dell'Altro e dell'altrove di Metropoliz_città meticcia, Rome 4th may 2019


partnership MArteLive ArtSharing{20cf075d08bfc4afe9d5e8cceb7a99897afa71f6c41a02292be7df43e879667d}E2{20cf075d08bfc4afe9d5e8cceb7a99897afa71f6c41a02292be7df43e879667d}80{20cf075d08bfc4afe9d5e8cceb7a99897afa71f6c41a02292be7df43e879667d}93-la-terra-di-nod-a-cura-di-penelope-filacchione

Exhibition: dap, Visionary Bridge - One Art Space Gallery TriBeca - New York 12-18 settembre 2019

Exhibition Valentina Maragnani - Il corpo delle donne - 27 settembre -13 ottobre 2019

 Other Exhibitions:Who Stares Art, Unexpected Amezement, Cosetta Mastragostino, Anime Vagabonde, di vista:, Morfologie meccaniche: Sordi: Gasperini: Bianco. Emily Dickinson: viva due volte Ansa: il bianco nel collage come omaggio a Emily DickinsonOusìa. Forma, segno, carattere: Drago, Erbarie: le chiamavano streghe. Art a part of culture. Herbarie, le chiamavano stregheLauraballa e Gianluca Esposito: i sogni delle bambole Arte.go. Gianluca Esposito e Lauraballa. I sogni delle bamboleTime Switch On, Trento Art festival 2022 stanza di Emily, Biblioteca Villino Corsini Villa Pamphilj ANSA: un cassetto antico in cui nascondere sé stessi

Divo C: tempo di condivisione, 28-30 aprile 2022

Emiliano Coletta - Debora Mondovì, Legami e lesioni, 19 maggio - 18 giugno 2022

Simona Gasperini, Eugenia Borissenko: la danza forte. Mostra per i 120 anni dalla nascita della danzatrice e coreografa. 22 settembre - 2 ottobre 2022, Cimitero Acattolico di Roma

Quelchevale, Vita silenziosa. 24 settembre - 8 ottobre 2022. In occasione della chisura talk per la XVIII giornata AMACI: Il silenzio delle città

Artist Invasion, Equilibriste, 15-29 ottobre 2022. Mostra diffusa in cinque sedi nella città di Firenze durante il Festival l'Eredità delle donne, Edizione V direzione artistica di Serena Dandini

Rosso Acqua. Evento d’arte pubblica partecipata per la giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne in omaggio ad Elina Chauvet, Mercato Rionale De Calvi, con il patrocinio del Municipio XII Roma. Raccolta fondi a favore dell’Associazione Donna e Politiche familiari con sede presso la Casa Internazionale delle Donne. Curatela artistica e ufficio stampa. 25 novembre-25 dicembre 2022. Cambiamo cultura

Ilaria Di Giustili: Gente. Curatela per la mostra 13 dicembre 2022-8 gennaio 2023, ArtSharing Roma, via Giulio Tarra 64 Panzoo

Giovanni Scafoglio, Mirko Viglino. Viaggiando. Fotografia e NFT, co-curatela della mostra con Ilaria Di Giustili, 28 gennaio – 18 febbraio 2023 ArtSharing Roma, via Giulio Tarra 64 Eco Randagio

Gardellini -  Tiberti, Proprietà emergenti. 4-11 marzo 2023 ArtSharing Roma, via Giulio Tarra 64. Corriere della Sera

Danilo Quintarelli – Morfogenesi. Curatela della mostra Dal 15 aprile al 6 maggio 2023 presso ArtSharing Roma Exibart

Altre connessioni. Curatela con Lauraballa per un evento d’arte pubblica partecipata e una mostra presso la Biblioteca Comunale San Giorgio di Pistoia, dal 22 aprile al 18 Maggio 2023 Biblioteca San Giorgio

9 Giugno 2023: Archivissima, la notte degli archivi. Cosetta Mastragostino, Dal Molise a Roma e ritorno. Cura della presentazione pubblica dell’archivio Cosetta Mastragostino Arte.Go

Luisa Valenzano, Circe e le altre. Curatela della mostra, 16 – 28 giugno 2023 ArtSharing Roma, via Giulio Tarra 64 melobox

FRIENDS. Cinque anni di ArtSharing. Mostra collettiva, curatela e catalogo.

Maria Teresa Rizzuti, Umani e altri animali. Curatela della mostra. ArtSharing Roma, via Giulio Tarra 64, 6-14 ottobre 2023 Arte.Go

19° Giornata AMACI del Contemporaneo, Talk "L'occhio, la mano e la mente. L'incisione e le nuove generazioni ibride", con Patrizio Di Sciullo 7 ottobre 2023 AMACI

From February 2021: chief press officier in Artist's Invasion Movement

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Events at Rome Art Week
Carolina e Ferdinando. E non sempre seguendo il dopo al prima
17 Oct 2024-12 Jan 2025
Carolina e Ferdinando. E non sempre seguendo il dopo al prima
Gianluca Esposito's Exhibition until 12 January 2025. Sculptures, engravings and multimedia installations explore through art the relationships between Maria Carolina of Habsburg Lorraine, her husband Ferdinand IV of Bourbon and the Kingdom of Naples
Free access
Vernissage Thursday 17 Oct 2024 | 16:00-20:00
Museo Napoleonico
via Giuseppe Zanardelli, 1
"Artieri" of the 21st Century
21 Oct-08 Nov 2024
"Artieri" of the 21st Century
Teachers and students reunited in a collective story, which goes beyond the boundaries of the physical place and becomes narration
Free access
Vernissage Monday 21 Oct 2024 | 17:00-19:30
Scuola Arti Ornamentali
Via di San Giacomo 11
Lucia Simone | Altri paradisi
23 Oct-16 Nov 2024
Lucia Simone | Altri paradisi
An dreamlike and unbeliveble world, from Lucia Simone's visions. Her great works in photo collage and digital painting accompany us by the hand in the depths of the mysterious forest of her mind, as the synaesthetic correspondences in Baudelaire
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 23 Oct 2024 | 17:00-21:00
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
La Ribelle tra gli Artieri del XXI secolo
25 Oct 2024 | 17:00-18:30
La Ribelle tra gli Artieri del XXI secolo
Presentation of the winning video of the call for students. Talk with the authors
Free access
Scuola Arti Ornamentali
Via di San Giacomo 11
I Borbone e il sogno di Napoli
26 Oct 2024 | 16:30-17:30
I Borbone e il sogno di Napoli
il Museo Napoleonico ospita un incontro con l'artista Gianluca Esposito: tema della conversazione sarà la storia e il ruolo dell'arte in relazione alla politica
Event on Reservation
Museo Napoleonico
via Giuseppe Zanardelli, 1
152. Maestri d
23 Oct-03 Nov 2023
152. Maestri d'Arte e dei Mestieri delle Scuole di Roma Capitale
Mostra storico-antologica per i 152 anni dalla fondazione delle scuole
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 17:00-21:00
Roma Capitale - Scuole d'Arte e dei Mestieri
Via San Giacomo 11
25 Oct-04 Nov 2023
Two emerging artists and a special project for RAW 2023
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 25 Oct 2023 | 17:30-21:00
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
Tavola rotonda: Le scuole d’arte e dei mestieri: passato, presente e futuro
27 Oct 2023 | 17:00-19:00
Tavola rotonda: Le scuole d’arte e dei mestieri: passato, presente e futuro
Incontro con docenti, catalogatori e storici dell'arte
Free access
Roma Capitale - Scuole d'Arte e dei Mestieri
Via San Giacomo 11
Icaro Project . Workshop for children to learn to  fly
28 Oct 2023 | 17:00-18:00
Icaro Project . Workshop for children to learn to  fly
Guided tour and workshop for children
Event on Reservation
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
Non è un Paese per artisti. Riflessione post - pandemica.
25 Oct 2022 | 18:00-19:30
Non è un Paese per artisti. Riflessione post - pandemica.
Conversazione tavola-rotonda sullo stato dell'arte e degli artisti
Free access
Villaggio globale
Largo Dino Frisullo 1
Hèctor Vargas-Salazar: Íncubo en la via Appia
26 Oct-05 Nov 2022
Hèctor Vargas-Salazar: Íncubo en la via Appia
Contemporary Mexican graphics
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 26 Oct 2022 | 17:30-21:00
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
29 Oct 2022 | 17:30-18:30
Testo, voce e gesti pittorici
Free access
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
Er Buio: Poetry on the Road
23-31 Oct 2021
Er Buio: Poetry on the Road
Street Poetry exhibition and events
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 23 Oct 2021 | 17:30-21:00
3.0 store
Via Luigi Ronzoni 44
Oúsía - Form, Sign, Character
24-31 Oct 2021
Oúsía - Form, Sign, Character
Esperimento collettivo dedicato al concetto di Essenza
Free access
Vernissage Sunday 24 Oct 2021 | 17:00-21:00
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
Tabula rasa or on Parlour
27 Oct 2021 | 17:30-18:30
Tabula rasa or on Parlour
Testo, coreografia e immagini esplorano il concetto di oúsía
Free access
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
Stefania Marcheto - Experience
24 Oct-01 Nov 2020
Stefania Marcheto - Experience
After lockdown - rethinking street art
Free access
Vernissage Sunday 22 Nov 2020 | 17:30
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra, 64
Talk - Abstract / Not abstract
29 Oct 2020 | 18:00
Talk - Abstract / Not abstract
L'astrazione in arte e come operazione cognitiva
Event by invitation only
Giardino Segreto Gallery
Via Gregorio XI, 122
Talk: Astratto - Non astratto, in galleria e online
29 Oct 2020 | 18:00
Talk: Astratto - Non astratto, in galleria e online
Una conversazione sul senso di astrazione in arte e non solo
Event on Reservation
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
Rome. Fragments from a living city
23 Oct 2019 | 19:30
Rome. Fragments from a living city
Dialogue on unusual and poetic views of Rome in sculpture and photography
Free access
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
DAP - Ciaccerata immaginatopeica. Un progetto artistico partecipato
23 Oct 2019 | 10:00
DAP - Ciaccerata immaginatopeica. Un progetto artistico partecipato
Sharing art at the Hospital INMI L. Spallanzani. Curated by Penelope Filacchione
Free access
INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani
Via Portuense 292
Chiara Pasqualotto - Morfologie Musicali
22-27 Oct 2018
Chiara Pasqualotto - Morfologie Musicali
painting, audio/video, live painting, curated by Penelope Filacchione
Free access
Link Campus University
Via del Casale di San Pio V 44
David Renka- Daily Art / Daily Life
24 Oct 2018 | 17:30-19:00
David Renka- Daily Art / Daily Life
Talk with the artist, curated by Penelope Filacchione
Event by invitation only
Studio d'artista
Via della Pisana 330
David Renka- Daily Art / Daily Life , second appointment
24 Oct 2018 | 19:00-20:30
David Renka- Daily Art / Daily Life , second appointment
Talk with the artist, curated by Penelope Filacchione
Event by invitation only
Studio d'artista
Via della Pisana 330
Chiara Pasqualotto - Morfologie Musicali - Live Painting.
25 Oct 2018 | 18:00
Chiara Pasqualotto - Morfologie Musicali - Live Painting.
Live Painting & Talk with the artist - curated by Penelope Filacchione
Free access
Link Campus University
Via del Casale di San Pio V 44
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