Tabula rasa or on Parlour

Testo, coreografia e immagini esplorano il concetto di oúsía

Performance: Voice and Graphics by Massimo Napoli, Dance and Choreography by Alessio Trevisani, Video and editing by Ilaria Di Giustili.

Curated by Penelope Filacchione

Can we convert the word into an aesthetic sign? And the sign into movement?

This is the challenging experiment chosen by Massimo Napoli - Actor, graphic Designer, Writer - and by Alessio Trevisani - Choreographer, Dancer and Performer - by blending sign, voice and stage action into a performance that explores some of the topics of the Exhibition Oúsía: Form, Sign, Character.

Here we find a poetic text, some calligrams, the actor's voice, the body and the movements of the dancer apt to achieve all together the specific “format” of a pièce de chambre.

Tabula rasa o del salotto (Tabula rasa or on Parlour) is the title of the unpublished text written by Massimo Napoli for RAW 2021: a dialogue between the Self and the Soul; about the need to open themselves to the world or to make a tabula rasa and rebuild the communication on completely new foundations, and if necessary, even by reenacting the parlor.

The Character splits and doubles him/her/themselves as in a dialogue at the mirror, and the same dialogue becomes here voice and dance, muting into a conflictual and provocative act against him/her/them self, to open to the world with heart and mind.

The performance will be held within the space of the Oúsía Exhibition, becoming its voice and action: it will be streamed on the social channels while filmed and edited by Ilaria di Giustili, then left to posterity as a memorandum of what it all has been, telling about the rebirthing we are all still striving for.


Artsharing Roma Gallery

Via Giulio Tarra, 64 – 00151 Roma

Wednesday 27th October 2021 h. 17:30

Booking highly recommended: WhatsApp 338-9409180 or : admittance only with valid green pass, though it will be possible to watch the event through the gallery window, outside without any reservation or pass.


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