Elisabetta Diamanti
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Elisabetta Diamanti was born in Rome where she lives and works.

Her training as an etcher begins in Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Arts) in Rome with Prof. G. Strazza and in Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica (National Institute for Graphic Arts) where she attends a biennial course of research and experimentation on etching and a master on graver with Prof. J.P. Velly.

She has been teacher of etching at the Academy of Arts in Viterbo since 1996 and has taught at the Superior School of Arts S. Giacomo in Rome from 1996 to 2002, from 2008 to 2012. In 1997 to 2003 she attends as an “Artist in Residence” at the International Graphic Centre Frans Masereel – Kasterlee (Belgium).

With in SOCRATES programme she is responsible of a workshop on etching at the Ecole Régional de Beaux Arts de Nantes (France) 1998, then on rubbing in Bilbao (Spain) 1999.

In June 2000 she holds a seminar on “The cosmatesc floors of the inferior abbey in Castel S. Elia in Tuscia” at the faculty of arts in Granada (Spain).

During the summer 2004 she attends an Atelier Collectif at Cité International des Arts in Paris (France).

She is invited in july 2009-2010-2011 at Casa Falconieri lab in Cagliari, working on the project “Sperimentazione e Ricerca” with a work-shop on artist-book.

In may 2010 she is responsible a work-shop on artist book at Papirmuseet Selkigorg.

President of jury XXIV Fibrenus etching award, curated by Loredana Rea at Museo Civico, Sora, Frosinone 2010.

In 2011 she is winner ” X PREMIO ACQUI ” etching award. The Print Civic Collection of Sassari bought her work CARBORUNDUM from the folder PISTILLI & SEMI.

Works as assistent teacher together with G. Napoleone in Primo Segnare, cours in the projet Progetto Didattica 2011/2012 at S.Lucas Accademy in Rome holds G. Strazza.

Organizes seminars  about etching in different places.

In may 2012 she is responsible a work-shop on artist-book at University Warminsko-Mazurski , Olsztynie – Poland.

She is invited in july 2012 at Atelier EMPREINTE, Lussenburg for work-session.

Since 1995 she has enriched the relation Matrix-Support-Shape by creating her books of artist in limited editions made of hand-made paper.

BNL has selected and bought the matrix and the print run of TRAME ENTOMOLOGICHE V at the printing house “Il Bulino” (Rome, 1999) where it was also featured the series of triptych IL MEZZO DELLA MEMORIA (edition in 1/50 Arabic numbers, I/X Roman numbers and 1/5 proofs of author on graphic paper (290 gr) from SICARS.

In 2005 “Il Salice”, L0carno publishing house present a portfolio with etching STRUTTURE VEGETALI. In 2006 present ISOLASOLA with a haiku from Tommaso Ottoniere for Agave Edizioni.

In 2007 “Il Salice” present the edition ORPHEE with two etchings by Elisabetta Diamanti and a passage from Michael Seupher. “Orolontane Edizioni” presents LABIRINTI with a haiku by Fabio Scotto. In occasion of the personal exhibition NERO DIAMANTI presented join Rome and Florence, “Casa Editrice Sallustiana” published the catalogue with excerpts from Ivana D’Agostino and Gianluca Murasecchi.

From the personal exhibition EDITIO VITAE in 2010 at Mendrisio (CH) a nine-piece edition was presented together with Maria Rosaria Valentini. In 2010 she cooperate with the publish house Joseph Weiss in Mendrisio for a DIVAN named MATER with a poem by Maria Rosaria Valentini.

In April 2013 the Girasole Edition for la collana “I diamantini” book n. 7 with a poem by Paul Polansky. For the edition InSigna she makes BOULEVERSEMENTS and ANIMUS.

A cooperation with the edition “Il Bulino” of Sergio Pandolfini and Primerio Bellomo is just out for a brand new artist-book FIORE DELLE DISTANZE.

Her works are in many public collection both in Italy and abroad: Print Civic Collection A. Bertarelli in Milan, National Institute for Graphic Arts in Rome, Royal Art Museum Antwerp – B, Museum Villa dei Cedri Bellinzona – CH, The Friar Library in Lugano – CH, Lonsford Collection at Poerdue University – West Lafaiette – Indiana – USA, Museo Civico di Sassari-I.

Many important critics wrote about her – Loredana Rea, Tiziana D’Acchille, Ivana D’Agostino e Guido Strazza, among the others.

Events at Rome Art Week
The Sign/Color between Figure and Abstraction
13-26 Oct 2023
The Sign/Color between Figure and Abstraction
From the M2M and SdT Archives a selection of graphic Masterpieces
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 18:00-20:30
Stamperia del Tevere
Via Marino Mazzacurati, 89 c
152. Maestri d
23 Oct-03 Nov 2023
152. Maestri d'Arte e dei Mestieri delle Scuole di Roma Capitale
Mostra storico-antologica per i 152 anni dalla fondazione delle scuole
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 17:00-21:00
Roma Capitale - Scuole d'Arte e dei Mestieri
Via San Giacomo 11
Oúsía - Form, Sign, Character
24-31 Oct 2021
Oúsía - Form, Sign, Character
Esperimento collettivo dedicato al concetto di Essenza
Free access
Vernissage Sunday 24 Oct 2021 | 17:00-21:00
ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
24 Oct-07 Nov 2020
Atelier presenta ultimo lavoro incisorio di Elisabetta Diamanti
Event on Reservation
Associazione Culturale Atelier
Via Panisperna, 236
Elisabetta Diamanti
26 Oct 2019 | 11:00-20:00
Elisabetta Diamanti

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Elisabetta Diamanti
Via Clarice Tartufari 161
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