IAMAQ- International Academy-Movimento Arte Quantistica

THEME OF THE EXHIBITION Quantum Art for a New Renaissance Quantum physics has sh

THEME OF THE EXHIBITION Quantum Art for a New Renaissance

Quantum physics has shown that all the particles that make up our body and the entire universe work together in various ways to form all of creation. Quantum Art, through these concepts, car- ries on a discourse of evolution of the cognitive system to overcome the current concept of the world of a mechanistic type where all relationships are of opposing forces. Through art and quantum science, these opposing forces can be overcome for a world of cooperation, peace and solidarity.



Roberto Denti

Natalia Morozova

Elisabetta Denti

Guido Marcello Poggiani

Marco Bozzini

Massimo Ricchiuto

Madeleine Cobb

Ahmed Mahmoud Gueiba 

Ihab Abu Mousa

Vladimir Vladimirovich Khvostov

Evgeny Gusev

Irina Pavlova

Yuri Kislitcyn  

Rosario Calì

Fausta Dossi

Gabriella Fabbri

Lorenzo Mignani

Maria Concetta Lomartire

Sofia Skleida

Elisabetta Granieri Galilei

Roberta Musi



Leonid Teodoro

Tatyana Belyakova Yurievna 

Alessandro Testa

Tiziana Ricco

Maria Felice Vadalà

Carmen Frisina

Antonio Bangrazi

Lucia Cairo

Emilia Cecilia Aliotta

Nancy Sofia

Rosalia Marchiafava Arnone



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