Anna Pangalou
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Anna Pangalou is a voice soloist who experiments through the boundaries of classical vocal practices and the new forms created by experimental sound practices.

She has studied classical singing in Cannes, Vienna, Rome and Athens. Prizes and scholarships include the Alexandros Onassis Foundation, the Fulbright Foundation and the International 'Dimitri Mitropoulos' Singing competition as part of the project 'Opera of the World' by Cultural Olympiad 2004.

She has appeared as a soloist in Greece, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Egypt, Turkey and the United States performing Opera, Lied, Oratorio, New Musical Theatre and Contemporary Music.

She specializes in avant-garde contemporary music. She a permanent collaborator of the program 'Open Days' – all-day retrospectives of avant-garde contemporary composers held by the Onassis Cultural Center, where she has performed, among other works, emblematic works of the contemporary voice repertoire. Her performances are characterised by intense theatricality. Contemporary composers have written works for her voice and dedicated to her.

The use of voice in unconventional ways and the abstraction of meaning in music composition, graphic and text scores, from Dadaism until our days, is the main focus of her work in the past six years.

Her collaborations with artists from different trajectories (dance, fine arts, theatre) aim for the creation of new experimental forms of expression.

She has been a collaborator of the Benaki Museum of Athens since 2010, where she inspires, curates and performs events in the art exhibitions of the museum.

As a Fulbright Artist in 2016 she was Invited Artist in Residence at CalArts, where has performed and taught her teaching method “Silent Singing” in the voice department.

She participated in Documenta 14 (Athens), where she premiered the composition of Alvin Lucier 'So You (Hermes, Orpheus, Eurydice)' in June 2017. She will be presenting her own revision of "I am sitting in a room" in Issue Project /NY for celebration of Lucie's 90th birthday along with 89 more artist form around the globe in May 2021.

For her project “ISING” _ The songs of 2 bodies of water in different forms, the singer will travel to the Arctic in order to sing to a piece of ice detached from an iceberg for 21 days, trying to sculpture it with the warmth of her breath. The project 1rst phase has started in February 2020 with performances and installations. The project performances is postponed due to the pandemic situation and will be realized when the world will allow it.

She enjoys co-creating with people from different trajectories, exploring new paths of perception as an art form. During the pandemic she has collaborated with artists from all over the world exploring new ways of making art and communicate with the public.

Eventi a Rome Art Week
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