Luigi Maria De Rubeis
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About Luigi Maria De Rubeis Born in Pescara, Italy. Luigi De Rubeis graduated at Chieti Institute of Arts and attended the Academy of Fine Arts in L'Aquila with the maestros Gino Marotta, Mario Ceroli, Carmelo Bene, Piero Sadun, Silvano Bussotti, just to name a few. Thereafter he attended the Faculty of Architecture at "G.d'Annunzio" University in Pescara and Chieti. A Decorative Painting teacher at the State Art Institute of Chieti and Lanciano, specializing in “Fabric decoration and printing”. He is a freelance architect in the field of ancient architectural renovation and interior decoration. His passion for painting begun in childhood when uncle Angelo gave him a box of oil paints and since tthen he has not stoppItalian painter, had his start in 1970 by winning a contest for Biancheria Bassetti and Rivista Grazia with a prize of 1,000,000 lire in gold coins designing a four-person tablecloth. He was considered an “enfant prodige” when in 1973 he put on his first art show, receiving attention from the best critics in the sector. This notoriety won him an exhibition in Toronto, Canada in 1975 and access to the most important “collections?” in the sector. A 1976 exhibition in Kofu, Japan gave him name in Eastern countries as well. He taught painting in art institutes (Istituti d’Arte) and for a short period at an architectural university as well. He was a protagonist of “nuova figurazione” painting in the 1980s. His first research was on art from the 1600s of which he is now an expert; the materials, techniques, and preparations are the essential basis for continued research. Nature, beauty and transparency have been the protagonists of his continuous investigation. He has never painted in the purely commercial spirit, but has insisted in trying to be a protagonist in society with works that exalt the correct use of our irreplaceable patrimony: life. In 2014 he decided to work exclusively in international locations. Exhibitions & Awards (Mostre & premi) – 1st Bassetti-Grazia International Prize, Milan, 1.000.000 liras, 1970 – 1st Goliardico Prize, Vasto (CH), 1973 – Solo Exhibition at Galleria Salotto 1+1, Pescara, 1972 – San Vito dei Normanni Prize, 1974 – Solo Exhibition at Galleria Ponterosso, Pescara from 16th until 28th February, 1974 – Incontro con la pittura Abruzzese-Associazione Abruzzese-Roma, 1974 – San Vito dei Normanni Prize, Grindisi, 1974 – Solo Exhibition at Galleria Arte d’Oggi, Pescara, 1975 – X National Art Quadrennial in Rome “La nuova Generazione”, March/April 1975 – XXIX Michetti Prize, International Painting Exhibition, Francavilla al Mare (Chieti), 1975 –Collective Exhibition with D’Addazio, Di Bernardo, Di Fabrizio, Ercole, Falconi, Picini, Primavera , Spoltore, The Dante Society, Toronto (Canada), November 10th/27th 1975 – XXX Michetti Prize, International Painting Exhibition -Francavilla al Mare, 1976 – Ribalta UNO, Annual review of young painters from Abruzzo, Francavilla al Mare (Chieti), 1976 – Visual Arts, Pescara, Ente Manifestazioni Pescaresi – 1976 – Provincial Palace and Athorie Gallery, Kofu (Japan). Collective Exhibition with D’Addazio, Del Greco, Di Fabrizio, Di Vincenzo, Ercole, Falconi, Fiducia, Primavera, Spoltore, 1976 – Exhibition at “VIOLE” Art Gallery, Yamanaschi, Japan. November 1976 – XXVII Pictorial Review G.B.Salvi Sassoferrato, 1977 – 1° National Review “Sacro nell’Arte Contemporanea”, 1977 – 21° Prize Avezzano, 1977 – 1° Marsica Prize, catalogue texts by: Valerio Mariani, Virgilio Guzzi, Mons. Giovanni Falloni, Enrico Accatino, Giorgio Santoro: Avezzano (Prize received), 1978 – Solo Exhibition at “Atelier architettura” Gallery, Lanciano, 2000 – Collective Exhibition at “Atelier Archiettura” Gallery, Lanciano, 2004 – Solo Exhibition at “Atelier architettura” Gallery, Lanciano, 2006 – Solo Exhibition “Le torri Camuzzi” Pescara, 2015 – Solo Exhibition at Hotel Guerra, Francavilla al Mare (Chieti), 2015 _ The works are in: RIPPINGHAM ART – The works are in: THE CARLOS REID GALLERY ONLINE The works are in: ART-FINDER Solo Exhibition at Hotel Guerra, Francavilla al Mare (Chieti), 2015 THE CARLOS REID GALLERY, Atlanta – Contemporary-Modern-International-Art-Online – The exhibition “MOTER” icon dream and reality”. In a collective exibition in collaboration with EXPART Studio&Gallery, curated by Silvia Rossi e Sara Lavari from 22.11.2015 to 24.01.2016. Galleria San Lorenzo, piazza Bordoni 52014 Poppi (AR). RADICI (ROOTS) Man belongs to the land collettive exhibition in the Orsini Castle Colonna, Avezzano (AQ) from the 3.01.2016 to 13.01.2016, curated by Valeria Fatato _ RADICI (ROOTS) Man belongs to the land collettive exhibition in the Palace Aurum, Pescara (PE) from the 27.02.2016 to 05.03.2016, curated by Valeria Fatato _ 2017 exhibition Palazzo Camponeschi, Roma _ 2017 exhibition Intercontinental, Vienna _ 2017 exhibition Galleria Arte d'Oggi Pescata Italy _ 2018 exhibition Art Gallery of WA,Perth WA, Australia _ 2018 exhibition Art Museum,Taito City, Tokyo _ 2019 exhibition Palazzo Manescalchi, Roma _ 2019 exhibition Gallery Steiner, Vienna _ 2019 exhibition Ellebi Galleria d'Arte Palermo Italia

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