Alessio Trevisani
Questo partecipante ancora non ha organizzato un evento o una mostra in questa edizione oppure non è stato inserito all'interno di un evento o mostra organizzato da un altro partecipante.
Dati e contatti

Alessio Trevisani, artistic Director of the new Freies Tanz Ensemble Berlin – Leipzig Member of the International Dance Council CID – Paris Senior Lecturer and Director of the section Dance Studies at the American Academy “Accademia dell’Arte” in Arezzo 2010-2018 director of the Company of Leipziger Tanztheater. Former member of Tanzfabrik Berlin dance Company. In 2000, Alessio Trevisani co￾initiated the project SOX36 in Berlin Kreuzberg, the showcase at Oranienstrasse 154, a public space, a minimal space for visual arts, dance and theater. In 2002 was guest at the Tanztendenzen Festival in Greifswald with his big solo piece „Der Mann im Fahrstuhl“ nach Heiner Müller. In 2003 won the German Dance Prize for best solo at the DancePlatform. He gained important personal and artistic experience during work with composer Karlheinz Stockhausen for the Leipzig Opera and during his work stay in New York in 2005, where he worked as assistant to choreographer RoseAnne Spradlin. In 2007 he was Resident Choreographer at the Palucca School with Tanzplan in Dresden. Since 2006 he has been teaching and creating dance works for the Berlin-based Theater Thikwa, a professional theater company with a serious mix of abled and abled performers. Alessio Trevisani has being choreographing over 15 dance pieces which were invited at various Festival in Germany and abroad. Alessio's work is sensual and dynamic. He combines acting with movement and performance in his choreographies as well as in his teaching. He continually prods and seeks authenticity in the non￾rational, sensual/somatic realm, allowing him to offer as much to young students learning dance as to the professional actor, and enables collaborations time and again with visual artists. Alessio came to Berlin from Rome in 1992 on a DAAD scholarship

Eventi a Rome Art Week
Tabula rasa o del salotto - Performance
27 Ott 2021 | 17:30-18:30
Tabula rasa o del salotto - Performance
Testo, coreografia e immagini esplorano il concetto di oúsía
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ArtSharing Roma
Via Giulio Tarra 64
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