Aljoscha Aljoscha
Questo utente non è iscritto all'edizione corrente di Rome Art Week. La sua scheda molto probabilmente non è aggiornata o può contenere errori.
Dati e contatti

2022-2023 Grant of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony and Goethe Institut in Dresden, Germany

2020 Pollock-Krasner grant, Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, USA

2017 „Über die Umschwünge der himmlischen Kreise“, public installation project funded by Tonhalle Düsseldorf, Germany

2012 Grant of Hybridartprojects (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in Mandrem, India

2011 Grant of The University's Museum of Contemporary Art (Mexico City), in Venice, Italy

2011 Grant of Kunstgarten Graz, Austria

2010-2011 Grant of Hybridartprojects in El Zonte, El Salvador

2010 „bioism uprooting populus“, public installation project funded by Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung, Germany

2009 Art prize „Schlosspark 2009“, Cologne, Germany

2008 1st Prize in sculpture, XXXV Premio Bancaja, Valencia, Spain

2006 International Summer Academy of Fine Arts in Salzburg, Austria (class of Shirin Neshat)

2004-2012 some works with Lawrence Weiner

2001-2002 Art Academy Duesseldorf, Germany (class of Prof. Konrad Klapheck)

1974 born in Lozova, Charkiv o., and Marganetz, Dnipro o., Ukraine

Eventi a Rome Art Week
Simbolismi della Visione
23-27 Ott 2023
Simbolismi della Visione
Cinquanta artisti provenienti da culture e mondi differenti
Accesso libero
Vernissage Lunedì 23 Ott 2023 | 17:00-19:30
Villa Altieri - Roma Città Metropolitana
Viale Manzoni, 47
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