Donatella Dentice di Accadia

Born in Rome on 07/23/1955, married in 1975 to Giuseppe Viggiani d’Avalos and mother of five children, she lives between Molano and Naples, where she runs her ancestral home organizing cultural events and art exhibitions.


She receives a bilingual Italian-Germanic education. She speaks and writes fluently in English, German, French and Spanish (with notions of Finnish, Portuguese, Danish and Arabic).

She has excellent computer and social-media skills.

1978: Graduated in Humanities from the Sapienza University of Rome.

She has taken specialized courses in glass, ceramic and porcelain restoration at several museum restorers in the United States.

She specializes in the restoration and decoration of ceramics and porcelain.

Professional activities

1976 to 1978: taught History and Decoration of Porcelain at the Cambridge School for Adult Education, Boston (USA).

From 1978 to 1980 was a consultant at Gedarte s.a. Geneva (CH), as an expert in restoration and decora2:ion of ceramics and porcelain

From 1980 to present: director of Hobbyceram s.r.l. Milan, Italy, manufacturing kilns for ceramics and materials for IE decorative arts.

1981, 1982: Appointed by the Veneto Region as a lecturer as part of a Project for the Retraining of Personnel in the Ceramic Industry.

1987 to 2016: Manages and directs HISDA -International School of Decorative Arts, for the organization of professional courses of specialization with teachers from all ii world, in collaboration with the University of Pensacola, Florida .#

2003 to 2006: Leads ii project “Sokrates Gruntvig 111 focused on disabled youth with Down syndrome to whom a decorative arts learning program is offered. In collaboration with Finland, Denmark and other European countries.

from 1990 to 2018 : Introduces and organizes in Italian palaces and museums (Palazzo Bocconi in Milan, Palazzo Gallia in Gera Lario, etc.) the biennial “Convention Azzurra” as part of the International Conventions on Applied Arts, bringing together professionals and guests from various European and non-European countries (India, Turkey, the United States, Japan; Saudi Arabia, Thailand, etc.).

from 2015 to present : Curates the “Special Events” for Maison Martino Midali at various Italian museums including Palazzo Spinola in Genoa and ii Archaeological Museum in Reggio Calabria, as well as at the Nuovo Policlinico in Naples and Palazzo Ducale in Piacenza in support of the Breast Cancer Prevention Campaign

since 2016: Participates in the organization of events for the ii relaunch of the city of Naples abroad1 at ii Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, ii Palacio Nacional da Ajuda in Lisbon, ii Ciragan Palace in Istanbul and ii Palace of Serbia in Belgrade assisting Generoso Di Meo

2018 to present: Working as “communications and events manager” at the Fashion Museum, Naples – Mondragone Foundation.

Since July 2021: and member of the Board of Directors of the Royal Palace of Naples – Board of lndirizzo – Head of Events

Experience in the enhancement of cultural heritage

promotion delta utilization and enjoyment of cultural heritage by the weakest and most fragile groups. from 2018 to present: She is president of the non-profit organization “Progetto Pallonetto” which creates a network of workshops attended by disabled children and young people from Family Homes in order to teach them to paint on porcelain, ceramics and glass, to photograph and write poetry, to help them develop their skills, to promote knowledge of cultural heritage and conditions of use and enjoyment of the heritage itself, including by the disabled, promoting the development of culture.

2019: Collaborates with I’ State Archives of Naples, as part of special initiatives and events, including “Apriti Moda” aimed at combining the promotion of knowledge of the city’s historical memory, through the precious archival documents on Neapolitan tailoring and craftsmanship from the 15th to the 20th century and the exhibition of precious period costumes with the enjoyment of the wonderful rooms of the Benedictine monastery the library and the frescoed rooms.

Promotion and support of cultural heritage conservation efforts.

-From 2018 to date: In charge of the interventions of conservation, protection and enhancement of the cultural heritage of Prince d’Avalos, of relevant historical and artistic importance. Working alongside Prince Andrea d’ Avalos in order to Preserve to the city of Naples what remains of the family’s great heritage. In particular:

-cares for relations with I’ State Archives for the reorganization, in view also of a later acquisition, of the great Family Archives (8000 files of European history from 1300 to the present day);

takes care of the interaction with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage in order to place the furnishings in a suitable place; among these ii

monumental wooden bed known as the “ di Vittoria Colonna ” by Bernini, along with other 17th-century sculptors;

interacts with the direction of the Teatro San Carlo regarding ii musical heritage, for the staging of the unpublished opera “Maria di Venosa” written by Prince Francesco d’ Avalos, Andrea’s father, in the Teatrino di Corte of the Royal Palace at the same time as an exhibition of all the musical writings as well as the Prince’s heirlooms and instruments;

-organizes at the Naples Fashion Museum a major exhibition of the dresses of Princess Antonella d’Avalos.

-For more than 30 years, it has also managed the house at Riviera di Chiaia 185, the ancestral home of the Count and con a Dentice di Accadia.

Already a meeting place of Neapolitan good society (ii great-grandfather Filippo was a senator of the Kingdom and after him my grandfather Domenico, several times Governor of Pio Monte della Misericordia and, later, honorary consul of Denmark and Cuba), during the war it was the headquarters of the Command, which respected its spaces and furnishings. Today Dentice House is a crossroads of culture and hosts social events. These include, in 2017, the hosting of the Handel Society Trust with a concert of Neapolitan baroque music played on ancient instruments; as well as numerous book presentation events (most recently ii text by Andrea Donati on Vittoria Colonna). It also oversees the organization of numerous other events related to Fashion, such as the fashion shows of Maison Midali and many others (Arzano, Rybkoff) and finance events, always related to fashion or ‘art.

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