Carla Guidi
CARLA GUIDI - Journalist and writer, registered ODG Lazio - She collaborates with a number of newspapers, among them “Graphie,” “Abitare a Roma,” “Il Paese delle donne,” “Lazio ieri ed oggi,” “AboutArt online” - and “DailyGreen”
Data and contact details

CARLA GUIDI - Journalist, registered ODG Lazio - - Collaborates with a number of online newspapers and periodicals, among them Graphie - - “Abitare a Roma,” “Il Paese delle donne,” “Lazio ieri ed oggi,” “AboutArt online” - and “DailyGreen,” where she is on the editorial staff - -

 - Achieved in higher diploma of Academy of Fine Arts of Rome sez painting (held by master Gentilini) was a teacher of Drawing and History of Art in high school, has been involved in Computer Art since 1981 and her images were published in the volume Computer image by Mauro Salvemini (Ed. G.E.Jackson, 1985). She ran an Art gallery “La 5x5” in Via Garibaldi in Trastevere in the 1970s/80s together with Rinaldo Funari and then organized various exhibitions, events and conferences. To limit himself to the topic of “visual arts” in the city of Rome and province, she has organized and curated in recent years:

 - CENTRO HABITAT MEDITERRANEO LIPU Centro Visite Mario Pastore, Lido di Ostia - Photographic works by Valter Sambucini - Rome, December 2017 - Under the Patronage of the International Antinous Center for Art - Marguerite Yourcenar.

- BIBLIOTECA VACCHERIA NARDI, via Grotta di Gregna, 37 Rome - Photographic works by Valter Sambucini - From Nov. 3 to Nov. 24, 2015, entitled Halloween and cosplayers - The myth, the imaginary, the representation. In the same venue and with the same artist from 3/03 to 22/03/2016 the photographic exhibition entitled - Specular Horizons. The void, the full, the body, the virtual.

- As part of Rome Art Week 2017 he curated, with the collaboration of Raffaella Lupi, at GALLERIA SINOPIA via dei Banchi Nuovi 21/B the exhibition KAIROS 2.0 - Investigating time and space between art, sociology, psychology and literature - Works by Jasmine Pignatelli and photographs by Valter Sambucini.

- As part of Rome Art Week - Seventh Edition from October 24-29, 2022, she curated the exhibition Dreams and Predictions of Art - Photographic works by Valter Sambucini and graphic/pictorial works by Placido Scandurra. MUEF ART GALLERY, via Angelo Poliziano, 78/B Rome.

- Also at MUEF ARTGALLERY in Rome (via Angelo Poliziano, 78b) she curated the exhibition (oil paintings, watercolors and etchings) of artist Antonio Croce “Tra Aurelia e Maremma”- from March 25 to April 1, 2023. VIDEO -

-Critical writing and article in his name - - At the Finissage of the exhibition presentation of the book by Alfio Cavoli, a recently deceased writer and journalist “Addio Maremma bella. Fasti e nefasti dal mare alla montagna” (Stampa Alternativa 2003).

- Curated the event RAW ART NIGHT - LE NOTTI DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA on April 21, 2023 at BORGO PIO ART GALLERY, (via degli Ombrellari 1/2/3 Rome) conference on the theme - Scritti di Picasso, edited by Mario De Micheli (Feltrinelli UE 676 June 1973) - as part of the exhibition L'EREDITA' DI PICASSO with publication of an article by his signature -'eredita-di-picasso-e-le-controverse-opinioni-una-collettiva-aroma/ - 

-Curated the exhibition I “ricAMANTI” by artist Antonella Cappuccio, which with an elegant collection of original “tapestries” opens the season of events in the historic ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE LAVATOIO CONTUMACIALE from March 4 to 18, 2023 - critical writing and article by her signature on -

-Also in the historic CONTUMACIAL WASHINGTON CULTURAL ASSOCIATION curated the exhibition of works by Franca Buscaglia Il Tempo lacerato - from June 8 to 22, 2023. 

Conceived and curated the exhibition “FROM THE BODY/GAME TO THE BODY IN THE GAME,” Art, Imagery and Languages in the Construction of the Self at the Cultural Association “Lavatoio Contumaciale” in Rome, Piazza Perin del Vaga 4 - December 2 to 20, 2023

 As part of the event Nuits de la lecture 2024 - Thursday, January 18, 2024 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Palazzo MarescottiFrom the body/play to the body at play. Art, imagery, languages in the construction of the Self and symbologies of the gift.Speakers - Carla Guidi - Art critic and journalist and Pietro Zocconali, President ANS (National Association of Sociologists) on the ANS conference on 5/12/23 - and

Saturday, January 2024 6/21 pm - Lavatoio Contumaciale - Cities as anthropological and identity places - Speakers - Carla Guidi and Massimo De Simoni President of Ass. Etica

 - She has written several books on historical memory such as Operation Whale - Unternehmen Walfisch on the Nazi roundup of April 17, 1944 at Quadraro, now in its third edition (Edilazio Rome 2013); A Boy Called Anzio on the events of the Allied landing of 1944, in its second edition (Onyx 2005/A. Sacco Rome 2013)

 -She edited, together with Massimo De Simoni, President of the Ethics Association, the anthology - Poets Meet the Constitution (Ediesse 2017)

- Anesthetic Aesthetics - The Body, Aesthetics and the Imaginary in the Italy of the Economic Boom and Towards the Lead Years (Robin editions, Turin 2018). -

- Also for Robin editions in 2019 - edited the socio-photographic book with Valter Sambucini, presentation by Franco Ferrarotti - Real Cities, Imaginary Cities - Migrations and Creative Metamorphoses in Societies in the Anthropocene between Computerization and Hyper/urbanization, with contributions from journalist and sociologist Pietro Zocconali, President of A.N.S., art historian Giorgio Di Genova, writer Roberto Morassut and President of Ass. Etica Massimo De Simoni. A section of the book delves into the widespread popularity of the tattoo technique, evaluating its historical, sociological and artistic aspects, with contributions from an article by writer Eliseo Giuseppin and an interview with artist Marco Manzo.

- Published with art historian Giorgio Di Genova, Quintets of Art "Paradigmatic Exhibitions and Showcase of Invisibility "(Robin Editions 2021) summary of the online exhibition organized together with Giorgio Di Genova in 2020, in the difficult times of the lockdown, which later became a publication -

- She published in 2022 (also for Robin Editions) the photographic book The Sybil's Gaze. From Daimon to the Anima mundi: the poetics of Placido Scandurra -

-Published in 2023 “ANIMAL/CORE” - Poetic Narratives between Nature and Culture - Preface by Marco Testi, photos by Valter Sambucini, pictures by Placido Scandurra, with an unpublished document by Senator Lidia Brisca Menapace (Robin 2022) Winner of the First Women's Writing Prize “the Country of Women” (XXIV) poetry section, on December 2, 2023 at the International House of Women, Via della Penitenza 37 (Rm

Events at Rome Art Week
Legendary sea: Aeneas, the Americans,  the“Peplum” cinema
19-26 Oct 2024
Legendary sea: Aeneas, the Americans, the“Peplum” cinema
Valter Sambucini and Placido Scandurra - photos, watercolors and engravings inspired by the sea of this historic beach.
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 19 Oct 2024 | 18:00-21:00
via Emilio Lepido, 40/A
Legendary sea: Aeneas, the Americans, the “Peplum” cinema.
23 Oct 2024 | 18:00-20:00
Legendary sea: Aeneas, the Americans, the “Peplum” cinema.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 6 pm - Interview with artists Valter Sambucini and Placido Scandurra and presentation of the book “Lo sguardo della Sibilla” (Robin editore)
Free access
via Emilio Lepido, 40/A
Legendary sea: Aeneas, the Americans, the “Peplum” cinema.
26 Oct 2024 | 18:00-20:00
Legendary sea: Aeneas, the Americans, the “Peplum” cinema.
Saturday, October 26, 2024 6 p.m. – Finissage and Presentation of Carla Guidi's book “A Boy Called Anzio” (Arduino Sacco publisher)
Free access
via Emilio Lepido, 40/A
Dalle Città invisibili ai Cavalieri inesistenti
11-25 Nov 2023
Dalle Città invisibili ai Cavalieri inesistenti
Valter Sambucini and Placido Scandurra with their vision of Calvino
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 11 Nov 2023 | 18:00-18:30
Associazione Culturale Lavatoio Contumaciale
Piazza Perin del Vaga,4
24-29 Oct 2022
Mostra: opere fotografiche di Valter Sambucini e pittoriche di Placido Scandurra
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
MUEF Art Gallery
via Angelo Poliziano, 78/B
24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Personale di Valter Sambucini e Placido Scandurra
Free access
MUEF Art Gallery
via Angelo Poliziano, 78/B
Presentazione del libro - Città reali, città immaginarie di Carla Guidi
27 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Presentazione del libro - Città reali, città immaginarie di Carla Guidi
Migrazioni e metamorfosi creative nelle società nell’Antropocene
Free access
MUEF Art Gallery
Via Angelo Poliziano, 78/B
28 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:00
Migrazioni e metamorfosi creative nelle società nell’Antropocene
Free access
Associazione Culturale Lavatoio Contumaciale
Piazza Perin del Vaga,4
Presentazione del libro Lo sguardo della Sibilla di Carla Guidi
29 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Presentazione del libro Lo sguardo della Sibilla di Carla Guidi
Dal Daimon all’Anima Mundi: la poetica di Placido Scandurra
Free access
MUEF Art Gallery
via Angelo Poliziano, 78/B
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