I Love Ceramica
The dream of going to Japan, a distant, mysterious country, rich in ancient and mystical traditions, has become a choral meeting shared with the ceramic artists: Elettra Cipriani, Pirjo Eronen and Marina Monaco and with the photographer Roberto Mirulla.
Data and contact details

Love Ceramica was born in Rome in 2016.

Promoters of the Association are the artists Maria Flora Clementelli, Luisa Raggi and Maria Grazia Morsella, united by a passion for ceramics, developed over the years thanks to long experience in the artistic field and teaching.

 Their goal is to enhance artistic expression through the art of ceramics, located in Rome, in Paolo Maria Martinez str. 11 A/B, a comfortable and welcoming place where to take a break, relax and meet people.

 It has recently met the RUNTS (Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo Settore as A.P.S., Associazione di Promozione Sociale.

 Over the years, the Association has become a multifaceted and lively reality and today it became a ceramics school, a work studio for the three artists, an exhibition hall, a meeting place for the presentation of books and for the " Talk about Art ".

 Love Ceramica organized and took care of the two-person show “I Nostri ordini. Mari mossi e Pianeti” by Maria Flora Clementelli and Luisa Raggi (2018) and of the three editions of  “Thèrracotta”, a salon for art with an exhibition of ceramic, pictorial, graphic and photographic works by various artists (2017-2019-2020 ).

In Barbarano Romano it has organized the events “Aspettando la Biennale” (2021) and “Una maiolica per la pace” (2022) with the patronage of the Regione Lazio and the Municipality of Barbarano Romano and in collaboration with the “Francesco Spallone” Naturalistic Museum in Marturanum Park.

The curatorship of each exhibition mentioned is Maria Grazia Morsella

 The Association then participated to the editions of "The Pottery Show" organized by the ceramist Karin Lindstrom held in Grottaferrata at Il Vecchio Podere (2017-2018-2020) and in the editions of "Ceramics and More" organized by “Ditta Forni De Marco”, at the MUCIV Museum of the Popular Arts and Traditions of Rome (from 2017 to 2021) and at the former Cartiera Latina in via Appia Antica (2022-2023).

 Sensitive to environmental issues, it joins Lauren Moreira's "More Clay Less Plastic" project and participates in the editions of "Change in your hand", an international traveling ceramic exhibition (2018-2019-2020)

 In Cava De' Tirreni it took part at the "Matres, Festival Internazionale di Ceramica al Femminile " at the Complesso Monumentale di San Giovanni (Salerno 2018).

 The Association is present at the events organized by the "MonteVerde Attiva" Association (2019-2021-2022) and exhibits his ceramics at the " Notte Bianca " organized by the XII Municipality in Piazza Scotti (2022).

 With the curatorship of Oriana Picciolini he participates to the exhibitions “In Horto Aromaticus” at Aromaticus Ristobristò vegano (Rome 2020) and “Oikia: felicità in un interno” (Rome 2021) at the Casa Internazionale delle Donne.Joining the Divo-C widespread exhibition project “Hic et Nunc, Visione future” conceived by Monica Cecchini, it organized an exhibition in its laboratory that brings together works by different ceramists (Rome 2020). It has participated to the “Garden Party” market exhibition organized by Alessandra Borzacchini at SBA Sporting Beach Art (Ostia 2021) and to the virtual exhibition “Artwon, Latina a colori” organized by thedall’Associazione Solidarte (Latina 2021). In the same year, it organized with the Association Steli the exhibition “Terre d'Insieme - Ideas in association” at the Casa del Combattente (Latina 2021). With the aim of meeting and collaborating with the other artistic realities of the city where it operates, in 2022 the Association participates in the birth of "CreAzione", a Committee of artists and creatives from the Monteverde Nuovo and Monteverde Vecchio neighborhoods and participates in events such as "La notte brilla” (first and second edition) and “Open Villa Sciarra” to promote art in the neighborhood. LoveCeramica was present also at the "Raw Rome art week" as "Collettivo I Love Ceramica" with the exhibition "Salus per Terram" with ceramic, graphic and photographic works (2022) It joins the “Bravura Bay” project by Derrik Jones Studio which sees together art and craftsmanship In 2023, it has been invited by the Association "Il Talento di Roma", and participated at the "Fiumi d'Arte" exhibition at “Terrazza il Tevere in Lungotevere Tor Di Nona” with the exhibition "GattoMondo sul Tevere" 

Operational and registered office: Via Paolo Maria Martinez 11 A/B 00151 Rome

E-mail info@iloveceramica.it  -​​ iloveceramica@gmail.com 

Web https://www.iloveceramica.com 



Events at Rome Art Week
Talk - trip to Japan
26 Oct 2024 | 16:00-20:00
Talk - trip to Japan
The dream of going to Japan, a distant, mysterious country, rich in ancient and mystical traditions, has become a choral meeting shared with the ceramic artists: Elettra Cipriani, Pirjo Eronen and Marina Monaco and with the photographer Roberto Mirulla.
Free access
I Love Ceramica
Via Paolo Maria Martinez 11a/b
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