Luisa Raggi
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Data and contact details

Curriculum vitae et studiorum Luisa Raggi

Luisa Raggi

Born in Rome

The 7th of July 1972

Resident of Rome

Address via Gela 25

Mobile +39338 9161217



Graduated in ceramics with a score of 58/60 in the academic year 1992/93 at the Istituto Statale d'Arte Roma 1.


Ceramics restoration course at the Nicola Zabaglia municipal art school.

Marco Castracane restoration teacher. (Rome 2002/2003)


Pottery Northwest at the Pottery Workshop (Seattle-USA - April 2010)

Teacher Erin Campbell

International experiences:

Invited to Pottery Northwest as International Resident Artist (Seattle-USA-March-April 2010)

Work experiences:


2019/Present Along with the ceramist Maria Flora Clementelli, we have opened the lab/studio space of the Association. I Love Ceramica where I teach ceramics to adults and children and where I create my own pieces. After a year of collaboration, the ceramist Maria Grazia Morsella has joined this reality. (Rome Via Paolo Maria Martinez 11 a / b)

2018 Mini Ceramic Course for two organized by the Association Cultural Social Promotion I Love Ceramica at the I.C. Mario Lodi (Rome)

2018/Present Artistic collaboration with the basket maker Nicola Solimano

2017/2018 Ceramic teacher for a course aimed at lower secondary classes at the IC in Via D'Avarna now Mario Lodi, organized by the Association Cultural Social Promotion I Love Ceramica (Rome)

2016/2017 Ceramic teacher for a course aimed at lower secondary classes at the IC in Via D'Avarna, organized by the Association Cultural Social Promotion I Love Ceramica (Rome)

2016 Mini Course in Ceramics " Costruiamo il nostro regalo di Natale " organized by the Association Cultural Social Promotion I Love Ceramica at the I.C. D'Avarna (Rome December)

2016 Along with Flora Clementelli, we have founded the Cultural Association for Social Promotion I LOVE CERAMICA which operates at the IC D'Avarna in Rome with ceramic courses aimed at school children and the local area

2015 Ceramic teacher for a course for kindergarten and lower secondary school at the IC in Via D'Avarna, (Rome)

2014 I was invited to give two lectures at Maxxi, a contemporary art museum in Rome, as part of Marinella Senatore's The School of Narrative Dance project. The project won the Maxxi award.

2009-2014 – For three years, I moved to Tuscany and continued to work as a potter, producing and selling my pieces. I returned to Rome, where I continued my collaboration with the summer camps teaching ceramics to children and young people. I taught at the C.O.B.A.S.C.

2008 Ceramic teacher for the " Ceramica-Manipolazione recupero integrazione " project before the 38th Contardo Ferrini school club (Rome)

2007 Ceramic teacher for a 30-hour refresher course for teachers held at the Ugo Bartolomei school (Rome)

2006/2010 Ceramic teacher for children and adults at the C.O.B.A.S.C. of Rome

2005 Ceramic teacher for a 30-hour refresher course for teachers held at the 178th Circolo Didattico Antonio Raimondi (Rome)

2004/2009 Ceramic teacher for children and adults at Insieme Per Fare-Piccola Coop. Sociale A.R.L.-Onlus (Rome)

2004/2018 Operator/coordinator for the summer camp managed by the Coop. Tour at Insieme Per Fare-Piccola Coop. Sociale A.R.L.-Onlus (Rome). Duties performed: coordination of laboratory activities (pottery; painting; papier-mâché and creative recycling), welcoming children, care and assistance for children aged 4 to 6 in daily activities, interface between parents, children, and the summer camp.

2001/Present Artistic collaboration with the Master Painter Stefano Zampieri

2001/2008 Collaboration for ceramic workshops with the cultural association InArteCalcata (Viterbo)

2000 Ceramic teacher for a 100-hour course funded by the Province within the " Programmazione, Promozione e Coordinamento delle politiche sociali " program.

1999/2000 Teacher of the ceramic course at the Male Prison of Rebibbia New Complex in the T.T.D.D. for the Teseo e Arianna project.

1998/1999 Teacher of the ceramic course at the Male Prison of Rebibbia New Complex in the T.T.D.D. for the Teseo e Arianna project.

1998 Professional theory teacher at the course for ceramic decorators at the Male Prison of Rebibbia New Complex for the Lazio Region.

1997 Teacher at the Male Prison of Rebibbia New Complex for a professional training course for potters in the Lazio Region.

1996/1997 Pottery course for children at the Virtus Ponte Mammolo association.

1996 Teacher at the Rebibbia Female Prison for a professional training course for potters in the Lazio Region.

1996 Pottery teacher at the Virtus Ponte Mammolo association for a municipal professional training course for potters.

1993/1996 Collaborator of the El Quetzal ceramic laboratory.

Volunteer experiences:

2014/2018 I participated as a volunteer in the “Arte in cortile” project of Professor Maria Flora Clementelli, ceramist. Pottery course for children with disabilities from the IC D’Avarna school in Rome

1997/1999 Volunteer at the Caràmica ceramic laboratory at the Male Prison of Rebibbia New Complex, department G8. The laboratory founded after the professional training course of the Lazio Region on the initiative of the course teachers and students, with the participation of the prison management and the Virtus Ponte Mammolo association.


2022 I took part in the Garden Party market exhibition at the Sporting Beach bathing establishment (Ostia Lido Rome 24/26 May)

2022 I took part in the Arriva l’Estate event organized by the MonteVerde Attiva Association at the Largo Ravizza Park (Rome 11/12 June)

2022 I took part in the Notte Bianca event organized by the XII Municipality at Piazza Scotti (Rome May 28)

2021 I organized and participated in Terre D’Insieme-Idee in associazione with the potters of Steli at the Casa del Combattente Piazza San Marco 14 (Latina 5/14 November)

2021 I participated in the RAW Stile Naturae organized by Oriana Picciolini at Officne Adda Via degli Zingari 37 (Rome 27/31 October)

2021 I participated in OIKIA cose della casa organized by Oriana Picciolini at the International Women's House (Rome 22/24 October)

2021 I participated in the VII edition of Ceramics and More at the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions (Rome 03-04 October)

2021 I participated in Aspettando la Biennale at the Marturanum Park in Barbarano Romano (VT 04 September)

2021 I participated in the project Apostrofo Artista/Fanzine number 0. created by Claudia Di Mario and Laura Bernard (Rome-Venice June)

2021 I took part in the collective project Aggiungi una piastrella organized by the Association Art for You by Luigi Castagna (Avigliana- TO- April)

2021 I took part in the virtual exhibition ARTWON Latina a colori organized by the Association Solidarte (Latina 21-27 February)

2020 I participated in In Horto Aromaticus organized by Oriana Picciolini at Aromaticus (Rome 16-18 October)

2020 I took part in the VII edition of The Pottery Show tema Il Giardino at Il Vecchio Podere (Grottaferrata 25-27 September)

2020 I took part in the widespread art exhibition Hic et Nunc–visione future-progetto Divo C created by Monica Cecchini at the Association I Love Ceramica (Rome 11-13 September)

2020 I participated in the sixth edition of Ceramics and More auction for fundraising in favor of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases "Lazzaro Spallanzani" in Rome for research on Covid-19 (Rome 24 June-12 July)

2020 I organized and participated in the III edition of Thèrracotta at the I Love Ceramica association headquarters. Via Del Gesù 62 (Rome 07-09 February)

2019 I took part in the traveling exhibition Energia che genera organized by the Association AccadeMe. Palazzo Marchesale (Presicce July 14-21) Proloco Multipurpose Room (Torre Vado July 25-31) Palazzo Gallone (Tricase August 3-11) Villa Meridiana (Leuca August 16-31)

2019 I organized and participated in the second edition of Thèrracotta at the association headquarters of I Love Ceramica Via Del Gesù 62 (Rome 08-10 February)

2019 I took part in the 5th edition of Ceramics and More at the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions (Rome 06-07 October)

2019 I organized and participated in the II Collective of the DonnArgilla group Il Viaggio at the Lab 49 gallery (Rome 26-31 March)

2019 I took part in the IV edition of Change in your hand international traveling exhibition.

2018 I took part in the VI edition of The Pottery Show tema Tea Time at Il Vecchio Podere (Grottaferrata 15-18 November)

2018 I took part in the III edition of Change in your hand international traveling exhibition second stage at the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions (Rome 6-7 October)

2018 I participated in the IV edition of Ceramics and More at the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions (Rome 6-7 October)

2018 Ciotola, Vaso, Piatto exhibition at Stefano Zampieri's Art Studio in the format Faccio Spazio Nel Mio Spazio (Rome 20 September 11 October)

2018 I took part in the third edition of Change in your hand international traveling exhibition first stage at Matres Festival Internazionale di Ceramica al Femminile (Cava De 'Tirreni - SA. 7-9 September)

2018 I took part in Matres Festival Internazionale di Ceramica al Femminile at the Monumental Complex of San Giovanni (Cava De ’Tirreni-SA. 7-9 September)

2018 I took part in the slow art and craft exhibition #gliartigianilofannomeglio at the Summer Letters Gardens of Castel Sant’Angelo (Rome July 30-August 2)

2018 I took part in the collective exhibition for the More Clay Less Plastic project at the Testaccio Market (Rome 8-9 June) and the KERAMOS gallery (Rome 10-16 June)

2018 I organized and participated in the two-person exhibition I Nostri mondi. Mari mossi e Pianeti at the I Love Ceramica Association headquarters in Via Del Gesù 62 (Rome 31 May 1-3 June)

2017 I organized and participated in the Thèrracotta Exhibition at the I Love Ceramica Via Del Gesù 62 association headquarters (Rome 9-10 and 16-17 December)

2017 I participated in the III edition of Ceramics and More at the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions (Rome 30 September and 1 October)

2017 I took part in the Artigiani a Castello exhibition organized by La Musa Mosaici (Castel Gandolfo 1 July)

2017 I organized and participated in the first collective exhibition of the DonnArgilla group Ceramica: singolare, femminile at the myday-byday gallery (Rome from 17 to 25 June)

2017 I took part in the second edition of Artingegno Festival dell’Artigianato Slow at Agrilab (Campagnano di Roma 27 and 28 May)

2017 I took part in the 5th edition of The Pottery Show tema Mare at Il Vecchio Podere (Grottaferrata from 19 to 21 May)

2016 Exhibition LODE AL CIELO I Cantori e altre ceramiche in collaboration with La Musa Mosaici (Castel Gandolfo 3 and 4 December)

2016 I took part in the first edition of Artingegno Festival dell’Artigianato Slow at Monkey Mood (Rome 22 and 23 October)

2016 I took part in the fourth edition of The Pottery Show tema Bianco at Il Vecchio Podere (Grottaferrata from 20 to 22 May)

2015 Luisa Raggi ceramista exhibition at the STELI Arts Laboratory (Latina from 17 to 24 October)

2015 I participated in the first edition of Ceramics and More at Cascina Farsetti Art (Rome)

2015 I took part in the III edition of The Pottery Show tema Buon Appetito at Il Vecchio Podere (Grottaferrata)

2014 I took part in the second edition of The Pottery Show tema Moda at Il Vecchio Podere (Grottaferrata from 6 to 8 June)

2010 Exhibition of the artists selected for the Materie 2010 competition organized by the Association Meetings and Events at the headquarters of the Massenzio Arte Association (Rome from 6 to 8 May 2010)

2010 Informal Show exhibition at the Pottery Northwest (Seattle-USA - from April 30th to May 2nd 2010)

2010 Exhibition at the Archaeological Library of Rome (January / May)

2009 Artisan market exhibition ART & ART (11 October) organized by the Incontri e Eventi association at the Cesare hall of the Palatine Grand Hotel in Rome

2009 Exhibition Arte, Musica e Parole da Massenzio Arte curated by the Meetings and Events Association at the Massenzio Arte Association (Rome)

2009 ART & ART handicraft market exhibition (March 15) organized by the Incontri e Eventi association at the Cesare hall of the Palatine Grand Hotel in Rome

2009 I helped with the scenography curated by master Luigi Giannelli for the theatrical show Il Demonio staged at the Agorà Theater (Rome from 3 to 15 March 2009)

2008 Exhibition Il salotto dell’Artigianato at the Te Fenua art gallery (Ostia Antica-Rome)

2007 Market exhibition (October / November) organized by the Le Artigiane association at the Etoile space in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina Rome

2007 Collective exhibition Punte d’Autore at the Cesare Fasoli antiquarian gallery in Rome

2007 Participation in the II artistic exhibition of the district at the church of SS. Fabiano and Venanzio of Rome

2006 Participation in the first artistic exhibition of the district at the church of SS. Fabiano and Venanzio of Rome

2006 Exhibition of Canovacci painting on fabrics, during the event held on Lungotevere in Rome Tutte le strade portano al Mondo

2004 Participation in the IV international exhibition of the artist's book at the Casa Natense in Rome


2003 Sculptures on display at 28 de 'Vino, via Mirandola Rome


2003 Participation in the second art exhibition Un Natale per la pace promoted by the "Donna X Donna" association with the contribution of the Lazio region


2003 Participation in the III international exhibition of the artist's book at the National Library of Rome


2002 Donation of a sculpture to the island of Hydra (Greece) within a twinning between the artists and the municipality of Calcata with the administration and artists of the island of Hydra


2002/2010 Permanent exhibition at the cultural association InArteCalcata (Viterbo)


2001 Exhibition Segni di Creta at Lettere Caffè, via di S.Franceso a Ripa Rome


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Events at Rome Art Week
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27-29 Oct 2022
Salus Per Terram
Vernissage Thursday 27, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Free access
Vernissage Thursday 27 Oct 2022 | 17:00-20:00
I Love Ceramica
via Paolo Maria Martinez, 11 A/B
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