Points of View - Diality of the unconscious

Two Contemporary Art Exhibitions, Personal exhibition by Alessandro Pellegrini "Duality of the unconscious" Third edition of the "Punti di Vista" exhibition, collective of contemporary art.

GARD Galleria Arte Roma Design, a reality founded in 1995, always aimed at the promotion and diffusion of emerging art and self-produced design, presents two exhibitions from 21st to 26th October - The personal exhibition of the artist Alessandro Pellegrini entitled "Dualità dell' unconscious" and a new edition of the exhibition called "Punti di Vista, a collective of contemporary art now in its third edition which will host different artistic languages: painting, photography, sculpture, pictorial graphics, digital art, wearable art, it will be a mix of colors , of styles, of works created from the point of view of the performing artist. Each artist manages to see and capture impressions, sensations, emotions, images and strives to represent them through his own "Point of View" by putting them into practice. their own techniques, their own art, the approach to the outside is different from individual to individual, each spectator or visitor walking through the exhibition space will be able to see all the works and freely interpret them from their own "Point of View", each drawing from them. their individual emotions. The selected artists will be different in genres and execution techniques, the two exhibitions will be decidedly colorful and lively.


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