Dalle Città invisibili ai Cavalieri inesistenti

Valter Sambucini and Placido Scandurra with their vision of Calvino

One hundred years of Italo Calvino, celebrated with the affection and esteem that his relevance and his varied literary passion with a profound humanistic trait deserve. We know that it cannot be classified into one era or current, but it can be said that it crosses several. From the raw neorealism of the Resistance to the fairy-tale and ironic style, but immersed in a structuralist and sociological bath of reality, he passes lightly and competently from the difficult post-war years to the disorientation of Postmodernism.Care and critical writing by Carla Guidi in the presentation of two artists, born in the 1950s, who have absorbed Calvino's lesson in their creative imagination: the photographer and journalist Valter Sambucini and the painter and engraver Placido Scandurra.Respectively The invisible cities that acquire a mirror existence in a parallel world, a cross-section of the complexity and disorder of reality but survive in their reflection - as far as Valter Sambucini's photographs are concerned.Finally, the disturbing images of the non-existent Knights who populate the archetypal universe of Placido Scandurra. Between the Guardians of the Threshold and the Totems, the composite portraits of these "non-existent" characters are as artificial as they are representative of a way of being through the assimilation of their objects and insignia.The project is conceived and curated by Carla Guidi and is dedicated to the photographic works of Valter Sambucini www.valtersambucini.it and the graphic/pictorial ones by Placido Scandurra www.placidoscandurra.it


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