Stefania Di Filippo
Data and contact details


She was born in Rome where she lives and works. She loves experimenting with different means of expression and completely changing the color palette and expressive language for each research project by choosing materials that have their roots in her family past, between experimentation and tradition. Gianluca Marziani, curator and art critic, writes of her: “Stefania Di Filippo's work underlines a maturity between experimentation and memory, oriented towards inner journeys, subjective emotions, the ways in which body and context interact”.

Since 2001, after the loss of his father, he feels the need to express and develophis artistic sensibility in the field of painting, thus beginning a path of personal training and research under the guidance of various artists including the painter Alberto Parres and the sculptor Giacinto Cerone.

He attended with great passion the advanced painting courses of the Master Tullio De Franco for many years at the Academy of Fine Arts RUFA (Rome University of Fine Arts) actively participating in the cenacle that was created around his figure.

In recent years he has been  interested in experimenting with ceramics, taking up the tradition thaw had  been interrupted by the death of his Master Giacinto Cerone, he attended some workshops at Officine Saffi with important international artists such as Robert Cooper and Owen Quinlan.


Main Exhibitions




2021 RAW Rome Art Week 5th edition, Works in yellow - Bat-Gallery Studio Milani                                                                                                                                                 BACC "The shape of wine" Contemporary Ceramic Art Award - Aldobrandini Stables Frascati (RM)                                                                                                     Festival del Tempo II edition, Sermoneta (LT) - Church of S. Michele Arcangelo by Roberta Melasecca                                                                                                    MAC Museo d'Arte Contemporaea of ​​the small format, Guarcino (FR) Changing perspective in a suspended time - curated by Loredana Rea and Rocco Zani                   XII edition Land Art al Furlo - Sant'Anna del Furlo - Fossombrone (PU) - selected for  “The path on art” curated by Andrea Baffoni                                                       2020 Mazzoleni Foundation - Alzano Lombardo (BG)  Signs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GAM Gallery of Modern Art Rome artist selected in the national art competition #DomaniInArte2019 MACRO ASILO Roma - To sleep, to die, perhaps to dreamRAW Rome Art Week Roma - Monticello Complex Rome - The Infinite - closer to the universe where thought drownsRAW Rome Art Week Roma Officine Nove Roma - Dangerous kindness project2018 MACRO FACTORY Pelanda Space – VirtusRAW Rome Art Week – Boario field study The secret of the Garden2017 Art Study Outside Center - Earth Mother EarthCenter for Contemporary Art Trebisonda Perugia – Earth Mother EarthME.SIA S.PACE - Meeting with the artist2016 MACRO FACTORY Pelanda Space – GrammelotCa 'dei Carraresi Museum Treviso - Review of Contemporary Art1st edition RAW Rome Art Week – SimilitudesArt Study Outside the Center - Di-versi Di-segni2015 Ex Cartiera Appia RM - Appiam'15 - The image of the sound2014 Centro Culturale Zerouno - De Nittis Barletta Foundation - To get an idea2013 Officina Clandestina presents Takeawaygallery in Leuven – BelgiumPastificio Cerere Foundation - Spazio LAB, Rome - SPAM! Artist postcardsGalleria L'Acquario Rome - LOOKING FOR INFINITE by Alberto Dambruoso2012 RANAROSSA 3.0 - Infinitely Mutable2011 Monumental Complex Sant'Andrea al Quirinale Teatro dei Dioscuri Rome2010 New Headquarters of the Conservatory of Music Alfredo Casella L'Aquila-Sinestesie Prize Palazzo Weedekind Rome - Exhibition of Sketches of Cowparade Rome 2010 Spazio Eventiquattro Milan - AAM - Accessible Art Milan2009 Gallery 196 - The Berlin Wall (13 August 1961/9 November 1989)Foundry of the Arts Rome - thirty by thirty = twentieth centuryPrimopiano Gallery Lecce - Queen of HeartsGalleria Italarte Rome - Feelings and PassionsPalace of the Portuguese Rome – Survey from underground2008 Space Ottagoni Rome - Artists in the roundRufartgallery, Rome - The vertigo of emptiness2007 Anti-aircraft shelter Eur offices building, Rome - The mirror, the spinning top, the astragals FAO World Food Day Rome - 100 works for the right to food - exhibition in honor of the International Conference on the right to foodFyr Gallery Florence OVER 32006 Palace of the Portuguese Rome- ART FOR AFRICA - exhibition in support of AMREF and "The Sun below" 2005 Medici Clarelli Palace Rome – The voices of within

Events at Rome Art Week
Stefania Di Filippo
23 Oct 2023 | 10:00-20:00
Stefania Di Filippo

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Stefania Di Filippo
Via Eurialo 41
Image not present
26 Oct 2023 | 18:00-21:00
Free access
Aria Design Lab
Via Ceresio 33
 Pittura in vetrina
24-29 Oct 2022
 Pittura in vetrina
Ideated by Silvia Pao - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Aria Design Lab, 5 Porzioni, Mamà food & mood, nAm naturaArtismagistra, La Gallina bah, Mood Boutique, OM Style, TerraAria
Quartiere Trieste
Stefania Di Filippo
26 Oct 2022 | 16:00-20:00
Stefania Di Filippo

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Stefania Di Filippo
Via Eurialo 41
Opere in Giallo
25 Oct-02 Dec 2021
Opere in Giallo
Mostra Collettiva in omaggio al grande Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
Omaggio al Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Sensum - III edition 2020
27 Oct 2020 | 18:00
Sensum - III edition 2020
Collective art exhibition
Free access
IkiGai Art Gallery
Via Sirte, 39
Stefania Di Filippo
21-22 Oct 2019 | 16:00-20:30
Stefania Di Filippo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Stefania Di Filippo
Via Eurialo 41
23-26 Oct 2019
Collettiva artisti di ignorarte
Free access
Galleria Gard
Via Dei Conciatori 3/i (giardino interno)
Dangerous kindness project
24 Oct 2019 | 17:00
Dangerous kindness project
La gentilezza è pericolosa - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Officine Nove
Vicolo del Casale Galvani 9
Happening for the lost third landscape
22 Oct 2018 | 17:00
Happening for the lost third landscape
installations and actions on the street - opening of the exibitions
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
The secret of the garden
22-27 Oct 2018
The secret of the garden
An urban microeden by Donatella Vici, Stefania Di Filippo and Alberto D'Amico
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Stefania Di Filippo
23-25 Oct 2018 | 17:00-21:00
Stefania Di Filippo

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Stefania Di Filippo
Via Eurialo 41
The secret of the garden
24 Oct 2018 | 17:00
The secret of the garden
An urban microeden by Donatella Vici, Stefania Di Filippo and Alberto D'Amico
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Finissage, closing, chiusura and film
27 Oct 2018 | 19:00
Finissage, closing, chiusura and film
Closing of the exhibition and screening
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Round table, between Gillés Clément and the planetary gardens
27 Oct 2018 | 16:00
Round table, between Gillés Clément and the planetary gardens
Round table with very short "TED" style interventions
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
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