Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
The Gallery was founded in 2010 in the artistic studio of Fabio Milani, who eclectic artist and great connoisseur of the Roman artistic environment, as well as friend of many artists and art critics, has decided to create a gallery where to exhibit both emerging and established artists. The Bat-Gallery wants to give a vision of the work of new artists intersected with famous personalities in the Roman bohemian atmosphere.
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The Gallery was founded in 2010 in Fabio Milani's art studio.

There are so many exhibitions that have followed one another and there are many artists who have exhibited. Among these are: Achille Pace - Achille Perilli - Ennio Calabria - Bruno Aller - Giacinto Occhionero - Vito Bongiorno - Flavio T. Petricca - Jacob De Chirico - Angelo Cricchi - Luigi Athos De Blasio - Paolo Bielli - Tancredi Fornasetti - Eliseo Sonnino - Fabio Milani - Vincenzo Restuccia - Vincenzo Scolaero - Eliseo Sonnino - Fabio Milani - Vincenzo Scolaero - Vincenzo Scola.

Abate | Kounellis, trip at the end of a photograph

by Nicola Davide Angerame

Everything began in 1969 in that garage that Fabio continued to call the gallery, with that Greek who came to Rome, Jannis, who wanted to make living sculptures and with that boyfriend, Claudio, who grew up in Via Margutta and was looking for new art. Their first photograph together they make it there, it will be called Horses and will travel around the world, changing the history of art.

Boys who, growing up, have become pillars of Italian and international art history. They took parallel paths and remained friends, collaborators and actors on a magnificent and eternal stage.

Fabio Sargentini continued his career as a gallerist and talent scout. Claudio Abate has become one of the most recognized art photographers: the Kounellis Horses or the Zodiac of De Dominicis have travelled around the world, they are in all the stories of contemporary art in all countries. Claudio loved to receive the rights of those photos, they were for him the tangible sign of a goal achieved, the simple certification of immortality.

Jannis Kounellis has become one of the most intense artists of the post-war period, founder of a poor and reflective art, mindful and moved, idealistic and heavy material. An art that his friend Claudio has often photographed, doubling its aesthetic strength and certainly building essential documents. Installations and performances needed him and his way of photographing the world as if it were a theatre, the theatre he had met with Carmelo Bene and in the cellars of the early sixties and that had led him to photograph living actions, site-specific works and ephemeral presences, phenomena that needed an invaghitous yet lucid look, a lively capacity to interpret and show through the lens the substance and

The friendship between this Roman and Athenian man lasted for half a century. They were both tireless workers and some of his last shots Claudio had made them for Jannis's great installation in the little church of Trastevere transformed into an art gallery by Gavin Brown. One of the last shots that instead sees them together as subjects captured in flagrant friendship rather than as hidden creators, is precisely this image stolen by his friend Fabio Milani, tireless witness of a multi-dimensional Rome as well as reporters of dinners and memories that Claudio loved to share with us in front of a whisky, in the beloved neighborhood of San Lorenzo, near places of memory dear to him like the restaurant Pommid

In this photo, taken at the vernissage of Claudio's solo exhibition in the H. H. Lim gallery, there are the last moments of a journey together that lasted fifty years. Jannis had given Claudio a bar counter: a romantic and ironic object, as Claudio was at the end, made of courtesy and wooden pipes. On that counter were the parties held in the basement of his studio. The two friends disappeared only six months after each other: on 16 February Jannis and 4 August Claudio. I don't think it's a coincidence, so traveling like this, I travel so far into life, they only make them similar souls like this Roman and this Greek....

Events at Rome Art Week
23-28 Oct 2023
Lou Duca and Fabio Milani. A tribute to four figures of culture.
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 21 Oct 2023 | 17:30
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Image not present
24 Oct 2023 | 17:30-20:00

Free access
Home Gallery/Terrazza Milani
Via Uffici del Vicario, 33 int. 7 ultimo piano
24-28 Oct 2023
Uno sguardo artistico rivolto al passato ma con i piedi nel presente
Free access
Vernissage Tuesday 24 Oct 2023 | 17:30-20:00
Home Gallery/Terrazza Milani
Via Uffici del Vicario, 33 int.7 ultimo piano
ACQUATICO by Mario Schifano
24 Oct 2022 | 09:30
ACQUATICO by Mario Schifano
ACQUATICO by Mario Schifano . Exhibition with unique work created in 1989
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
ACQUATICO di Mario Schifano
24-29 Oct 2022
ACQUATICO di Mario Schifano
ACQUATICO di Mario Schifano. Opera unica 1989
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 09:30
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Fabio Milani
24 Oct-15 Nov 2022
Fabio Milani
Mostra collettiva - 21 artisti riscattano il colore rosso per un mondo migliore
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:30-20:30
Studio Fabio Milani/ Terrazza Milani
Via Uffici del vicario 33 int. 7
Opere in Giallo
25 Oct-02 Dec 2021
Opere in Giallo
Mostra Collettiva in omaggio al grande Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
Omaggio al Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
26 Oct-14 Nov 2020
Collective exhibition
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
24-31 Oct 2019
From the death ofI Ideologies to Globalization. contemporary men
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
24-31 Oct 2019
Comparison between Italian and Greek Artist
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Dall’arte ideologica all’arte globale
22 Oct 2018 | 18:30-21:30
Dall’arte ideologica all’arte globale
Mostra collettiva
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Dall’arte ideologica all’arte globale
22 Oct-05 Nov 2018
Dall’arte ideologica all’arte globale
Mostra collettiva
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
09-14 Oct 2017 | 18:30-20:00
Artistic avant-garde and traditions.
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Italia-Grecia, una faccia una razza
09-14 Oct 2017
Italia-Grecia, una faccia una razza
Avanguardie artistiche e tradizioni a cura di Katerina Giannaki e Fabio Milani
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31
Opening "Italia-Grecia, una faccia una razza"
09 Oct 2017 | 18:30-20:00
Opening "Italia-Grecia, una faccia una razza"
Artistic avant-garde and traditions curated by Katerina Giannaki and Fabio Milan
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31
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