Louise Roeters
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 Louise Roeters is born 1957 in Zevenhuizen a small place in Holland. She is living and working i Rome.

She has studied art of textile in Leeuwarden where she  had her first exibitions. In 1983 she begins the Academy of art to study design and painting.

Two years later she opened a laboratory of textile with her friends where she designed costumes for theaters and shows.

She has exibitions in several places in Holland (Roden, Groningen and Leeuwarden).

She started to live in Italy and stopped painting....

But finally Louise had an exibition in Rome at the place of Capodarco, a cooperative. Her work had a lot of success. The newspaper "Unita": "Formes and colors are the basical principles of her artwork. A lot of times she is just painting with her hands to get the idea of three-dimensionality. In this way she gets an accent on the round and full forms of the female figures".

She has participated ad competations like Celeste Price,Premio Terna. Was a finalist of the competation "Iside".

Exibitions in the Gallery "Centro Arte Castel Gandolfo" and the library Odradek of Pomezia.

She starts to paint on tinfoil and later on to work also with paper mache.

Exibition in Zwolle (Holland) Gallery "Cameleon", December 2016 till June 2017.

Common Exibition at Rialto Rome with the artwork "Latte" (Milk), October 2016

Exibition  at the theater S. Caspare Del Bufalo Rome with the artwork "Donne", October 2017.

Exibition at Me.sia S.pace -arte contemporanea- Rome with the artwork "duecentoundici donne in piazza", May 2018.




Events at Rome Art Week
CONNESSIONI  /  settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
22-28 Oct 2022
CONNESSIONI / settembre 2020 - novembre 2021
presentazione del catalogo cartaceo del progetto Connessioni
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 22 Oct 2022 | 18:00-20:30
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
01 Sep 2020-30 Nov 2021
Il nuovo progetto di MESIA SPACE che da settembre 2020 ospiterà 13 installazioni
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
Image not present
27 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSIONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
30 Oct 2021 | 16:00-20:00
CONNESSONI - diario: settembre 2020 / ottobre 2021
documentazione dei 12 interventi realizzati fino ad oggi per CONNESSIONI
Free access
ME.SIA S.PACE arte contemporanea
Largo Mesia, 3
23-26 Oct 2019
Collettiva artisti di ignorarte
Free access
Galleria Gard
Via Dei Conciatori 3/i (giardino interno)
Happening for the lost third landscape
22 Oct 2018 | 17:00
Happening for the lost third landscape
installations and actions on the street - opening of the exibitions
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
The secret of the garden
22-27 Oct 2018
The secret of the garden
An urban microeden by Donatella Vici, Stefania Di Filippo and Alberto D'Amico
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
The secret of the garden
24 Oct 2018 | 17:00
The secret of the garden
An urban microeden by Donatella Vici, Stefania Di Filippo and Alberto D'Amico
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Finissage, closing, chiusura and film
27 Oct 2018 | 19:00
Finissage, closing, chiusura and film
Closing of the exhibition and screening
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Louise Roeters
27 Oct 2018 | 16:00-22:00
Louise Roeters

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Louise Roeters
viale Campo Boario 4/A
Round table, between Gillés Clément and the planetary gardens
27 Oct 2018 | 16:00
Round table, between Gillés Clément and the planetary gardens
Round table with very short "TED" style interventions
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
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