Magda Quesada Ordeig
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Magda Quesada Ordeig:Graduated in Fine Arts from the San Carlos Faculty of Fine Arts of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (1997), Spain, where she also studied the Third Cycle in the Department of Painting (1997-1999), the thesis being published and awarded by the City Council of Valencia. With the Promoe scholarship she had the opportunity to participate in courses at the Faculty of Arts and Design of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.She has worked in different fields related to the plastic arts: collaboration in the visual and manual area of the Neuro-Rehabilitation Brain Damage Service of the Nisa Valencia al Mar Hospital (Valencia, Spain); teacher of technical and artistic drawing (Valencia); executive direction of the AYSEd Academic Centers, Caracas, Venezuela. He currently reconciles his artistic activity with that of interior designer.

In all these years he has made exhibitions and carried out several pictorial assignments for public and private entities of which these are the most relevant:

2022 Collective exhibition "Sacro e profano," Crocetti Museum, Rome, curated by Giorgio Palumbi.

2022 Collective exhibition "Oggetti smarriti" in the Micro Gallery, curated by Gea Albanese.

2022 Collective exhibition "Arte e salute" in the Centro Congressi Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS, Rome, as part of the RAW (Rome Art Week) event.

2022 Collective benefit exhibition "Solidarietà a San Vigilio", Rome.

2022 Exhibition of Emotions, Neurospritz and Mercato Centrale, Rome.

2022 Collective exhibition in the Interart Gallery, Tourist Port of Rome, Ostia.

2021 Exhibition "Simposio Arte/Architettura su Franco Purini" at the House of Architecture and Venanzo Crocetti Museum, Rome

2021 Altarpiece for a chapel in Cali, Colombia.

2021 Collective exhibition "Fraternità" at Galleria Medina, Rome, curated by Francesco Astiaso.

2021 Collective exhibition "Renaissance" at MUEF ArtGallery, Rome.

2020 Collective exhibition "Vultus Urbis" at Galleria Spazio 40, Rome.

2020 Collective exhibition "Era di marzo 2020" at Galleria Spazio 40, Rome.

2019 Collective exhibition "Le parole di Diotima" at Galleria Spazio 40, Rome.

2018 "10 e lode" exhibition at Numen Gallery, Rome, Italy

2017 Illustration of the cover of Éxodo, work by poet Carlos Izquierdo. Ediciones Amargord.

2015 Portrait of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo for the Chapel of the Church of San Juan del Hospital, Valencia

2014 Portrait of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo for the Saxum Foundation, Israel

2011 3 paintings for the Altarpiece of the Altamira School, Maracaibo, Venezuela

2011 Paintings for the Center for Studies and Congresses, Campoflorido, San Cristóbal, State of Táchira, Venezuela.

2009 Participation in the Ibero-American Art Fair (FIA), Tamanaco Hotel, Caracas, Venezuela

2008 Painting for Santa Cruz School, Valencia, Venezuela

2007 2 paintings for Altarpiece for a private chapel in Rome

2006 30 small landscapes for the Villa Balestra International Center, Rome

2006 Collaboration in the pictorial reconstruction of an eighteenth-century painting by restorer Amparo Caballero, Rome.

2004 Exhibition at the Sala Micalet, Valencia, Spain.

2004 Design of the mural painting of the schoolyard at Vilavella School, Valencia, Spain.

2003 Exhibition at the Guadalaviar School. Valencia, Spain

2002 Painting for the Altarpiece of the Guadalaviar School chapel, Valencia, Spain

2000 First prize in the C.M. Saomar painting competition. Valencia, Spain

2000-2004 Illustrations for the annual covers of the course and seminar bulletins of the Lluís Vives Business School, Chamber of Commerce, Marketing and Sales area, Valencia, Spain

1999 Painting for the altarpiece of the Iglesia Arciprestal de Nules, Castellón, Spain

1998 Exhibition at the Centro Universitario Cultural, A.C. Mexico D.F.

1998 Design, creation and installation of the choreography for the presentation of Fallera Mayor Infantil, Teatro Olympia, Valencia, Spain

1997 Mural painting at the Hospital Clínico Materno Infantil, Valencia, Spain.

1996 Exhibition at the town hall of Aldaia, Valencia, Spain.

1995 Exhibition at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Valencia, Spain.

Events at Rome Art Week
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Behind the curtain
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Via Barbagallo 20
The Mediterranean
19-26 Oct 2024
The Mediterranean
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Free access
Vernissage Saturday 19 Oct 2024 | 18:00-20:00
Galleria Consorti
Via Margutta 52/A
environ ... mentally friendly
23 Oct 2023 | 11:00-19:00
environ ... mentally friendly
Arte come capacità di accordarsi alle esigenze di carattere ecologico
Free access
Associazione Multifunzionale AReA M -APS
Via Giuseppe Candeo 18
Art and health
26 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:00
Art and health
Master lessons with exhibition and artistic laboratory
Free access
Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Via Ardeatina306/354
Art and Health
26-28 Oct 2022
Art and Health
Exhibition of visual arts and master lessons
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 26 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:00
Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Via Ardeatina 306/354
Image not present
26 2022-28 Oct 0022
Art and Health
Exhibition and master classes
Free access
Il Salotto di Diotima
via Ardeatina 354
Art and Health
27 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:00
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Our health after Covid 19
Free access
Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS
Via Ardeatina 306/354
Art and Health
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00-19:00
Art and Health
Collective exhibition of visual arts and master lessons
Free access
Fondazione S.Lucia IRCCS
Via Ardeatina 306/354
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