The Mediterranean

Collective exhibition of contemporary art, curated by Patrizia Langher, with the participation of 21 artists who are members of the Association Il Salotto di Diotima

"Mediterranean" is a geographical connotation, a proper name, a place on maps, an atmosphere, many cultures (with the same root). Our cultural association "Il Salotto di Diotima" is a bit like that; a sort of container ready to welcome very different people who, in their artistic expression, each pursue different intentions, styles and meanings. "Mediterranean" is a word, a name that defines par excellence: it is the "substance that lies in the middle of". This exhibition, with such a heterogeneous appearance, does not have the intention of defining "Mediterranean", rather it wants the intimate relationship of the visitor with the individual works to be the protagonist.

Let evocation be the engine through which visitors can find in this space, among these colors, something in which they can recognize themselves or that can be the result of contemplation or reflection. Where it is possible to find some kind of assonance or resonance. In short, we hope that a tacit dialogue between our work and your gaze will be possible.

Patrizia Langher, curator of the exhibition


Artists: Gea albanese, Anna Maria Bagnato, Gabriella Cannata, Giovanna Cataldo, Giulietta Cavallotti, Maria Cipriano, Massimo D’Angelo, Patrizia De Giovanni, Adele Ercolano, Marta Fabbri, Anahita Kousha, Patrizia Langher, Ruggero Lenci, Blanca Moreno de Barreda, Viviana Pallotta, Magda Quesada Ordeig, Edri Rama, Lilli Rizzuto, Monica Roganti, Lucia Russo, Carmen Tubío.


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