Manuela Scannavini
Today, she creates a line of designer jerseys and is collaborating with a company in Turin to produce wallpapers with a strong emotional impact; art can come from different sources and distribute significant impulses.
Data and contact details

Born in Rome, Manuela Scannavini is a sociologist. In 2007 she began her artistic career by attending studies of artists who stimulated her to continue her research that ranges between craft and painting courses. In particular, she approaches the world of fake marble decoration to move on to various drawing, painting, printing techniques with manual techniques on fabric, paper and lithography on synthetic support. She creates a brand and its own line of designer sweaters, sharing the project “CalzeAdArte” with the stylist Elena Binni. In collaboration with a company in Turin, Livingdecò, she presents its works as wallpapers. In constant evolution, today she is committed to the creation of artist jewelry using the lost wax technique. She collaborated with the poetess Laura Anfuso for poetic leaflets and a sculpture with a strong tactile impact donated for charity to the “Gian Franco Lupo” Association in the occasion of a collective exhibition in Matera in 2017. She collaborated with his friend and artist, Alice Valente Visco, for the installations. She is an artist Aiapi - International Association of Plastic Arts Italy - and she is one of the artists of the SCART project, a network involving architects, artists and designers. Her art ranges between abstract and conceptual themes, uses mixed assembly and installation techniques; she is already appreciated by collectors in Rome and in Turin. In 2020 she was included in the second edition of the prestigious Atlas of Contemporary Art by De Agostini.

Artist and sociologist, with an eclectic temperament, she is endowed with a deep sensitivity and ability that lead her to create projects with artists she esteems, which is highly appreciated. She knows the dualities, the alternatives, the opposites and, then, choosing means having reasons in hand to know how to decide. He attended studies and art spaces. Her works are the result of several years of experiments on plexiglas, wood, paper, metal meshes, natural and waste materials. Her mixed impression techniques and informal signification and signal gain the consideration of "insiders". It is within the "SCART" circuit of artists, a network involving young artists, designers, architects. Today, she creates a line of designer jerseys and is collaborating with a company in Turin to produce wallpapers with a strong emotional impact; art can come from different sources and distribute significant impulses.(Maurizio Vitiello)





Events at Rome Art Week
Coal Alchemy
04-28 Oct 2024
Exploring Biochar with art
Event by invitation only
Vernissage Friday 04 Oct 2024 | 17:00-21:00
Istituto Superiore Antincendi
via del commercio 13
Charcoal Alchemy
23 Oct 2024 | 17:00-21:00
Exploring Biochar with art
Free access
Istituto Superiore Antincendi
via del commercio 13
23 Oct-24 Nov 2023
Solo art exhibition by Manuela Scannavini
Free access
Vernissage Tuesday 24 Oct 2023 | 18:30-21:30
Buccone Vini e Olii
Via Ripetta 19
Mirage by Manuela Scannavini
24 Oct 2023 | 18:30-21:30
Opening art show
Free access
Buccone Vini e Olii
Via Ripetta 19
26-29 Oct 2022
Forgotten cities of the past of the present of the future ...
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 26 Oct 2022 | 18:00-21:00
Cosarte Spazio Creativo
Via Nicolò da Pistoia 18
25 Oct-27 Nov 2021
A group of artists which shout: DANGER
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 27 Oct 2021 | 17:30-20:30
Galleria Pavart
Via Giuseppe Dezza 6b
27 Oct 2021 | 17:30-20:30
Free access
Galleria Pavart
via giuseppe dezza 6b
Phase one
26 Oct-06 Nov 2020
A group of artists present artworks produced during lockdown
Free access
Galleria Pavart
Via Giuseppe Dezza, 6b
Fase uno
28 Oct 2020 | 17:30
EVENTO RAW 2020 FASE UNO  INSTAGRAM LIVE ore 17:30 @pavartroma
Event on Reservation
Galleria Pavart
Via giuseppe dezza 6b
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