Alessandro Dupré

Dati e contatti

Alessandro Dupré (alias Alex Çem Dupré) was born in 1987 in Latina, Lazio. Around the age of 12 he attended extra-school painting and sculpture courses with the artist Giuseppe Conte.
After high school he enrolled at the Academy of Art in Rome, where he obtained various awards including a scholarship as an assistant professor of Painting and participated in various group exhibitions. In those years he obtained an Erasmus scholarship in Spain, in Salamanca. After graduating, he moved to France for few years, where he looked for new training experiences. Later he returned to Italy to follow the entire painting program at the prestigious Florence Academy of Art, and he was awarded a scholarship to attend art history seminars during his third year. In those years he took part in major exhibitions with well-known names in the field of contemporary figurative arts. His artistic research nowadays is strictly connected to contemporary painitng language.
He currently collaborates with PADASOR (, a well-known atelier directed by the American painter Tim Joseph Allen.

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