Giovanna Ingrascì Open Studio

OpenStudio during the days of Roma ArtWeek - Giovanna Ingrascí: Transits and landings

curated by Jacopo SuggiPITTURA LAB, Via Monterone 18, 00186 Rome (RM)23 - 28 October 2023 Hours: 10.00 - 12.00 and 16.00 - 19.0027 October at 17:00 presentation of the exhibition with the curator and the artist "Movement is the essence of humanity"(Marc Augé)

Marc Augé, one of the most influential anthropologists of our time, identified mobility as a fundamental element of the nature of humankind.The meaning given by the French scholar, not only took into account the migratory flows, the processes of urbanization and globalization, but also focused on the physiological aspects of living cultures. In fact, they are characterized by a continuous recontraction, by the acceptance of change and contact, since cultures and individuals deprived of movement face an inexorable death.

The entire artistic experience of Giovanna Ingrascí also follows the common thread of the movement, not only recording it as a privileged subject of her canvas, but equally decisive for the maturation of her art.This predisposition is highlighted by the exhibition "Transits and landings", because as Ingrascí’s works reveal to us, motion in its travel and displacement component recalls a tortuous and jagged emotional load: hopes and joys, adventures and surprises, fears and worries. The exhibition, curated by Jacopo Suggi, takes place in the atelier Pittura lab of Giovanna Ingrascí and it is a slender but significant monograph on the artist’s production. The initiative will make it possible to visit a space of creativity and showcase twenty of her most important paintings.

These are works that range from the beginnings of the 90s to the most recent paintings, presenting the work of an artist who has collected many awards: from a first solo exhibition at the BBC headquarters in London, up to the use of one of his works for the promotion of some events during the Jubilee of Mercy.

Ingrascí’s paintings are populated by magical and suspended atmospheres, and reveal the complex and cultured imagination of the artist, full of myths and visions, but also reflections on our society, such as the series dedicated to migrants in the Mediterranean or pieces that show disoriented humanity.


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