Pittura in vetrina

Ideated by Silvia Pao - Curated by Roberta Melasecca

DISSEMINATE / DISSEMINATE - Painting in the window is a project ideated by Silvia Pao and curated by Roberta Melasecca for the seventh edition of Rome Art Week, from 24 to 29 October 2022.

It involves 13 artists - Stefano Bolcato, Alessandra De Berardis, Stefania Di Filippo, Alessandra Di Francesco, Federico Faeta, Emanuela Lena, Consuelo Mura, Alessia Nardi, Silvia Pao, Donatella Pinocci, Claudia Quintieri, Paola Romoli Venturi, Valerio Scarapazzi- and 8 shops -Aria Design Lab, 5 Portions, Mamà food & mood, nAm naturaArtismagistra, La Gallina bah, Mood Boutique, OM Style,TerraAria- located in the Trieste district.

The practice of painting has always played a specific role in art in Italy: "Painting is an Italian history", stated Gino De Dominicis, convinced that painting even possessed an almost anthropological vocation. DISSEMINATE/DISSEMINArTE comes from the roots of our history, deeply rooted in art and life, as the historian Laura Cherubini also states: "In Italy art is born naturally, for us art is part of life, it is a made every day "; and was created with the aim of showing, to a vast and heterogeneous audience, how painting is still a natural and privileged tool for research and knowledge but also for anthropological, social, collective and community dissemination.

DISSEMINATE / DISSEMINArTE is, therefore, an urban project for the dissemination of art in those places that are, in contemporary capitalist society, the symbol of themselves: in the windows of a series of shops and commercial establishments, art affirms its added value. in a process of dematerialization and active contemplation. In a city that is constantly changing and that sees its borders dissolve more and more by varying resources, social arrangements, ways and spaces of production, art (and artists) once again becomes an absorbing and interpretative fabric, now capable of making visible the participatory processes of social and spiritual regeneration and reconstruction.

Art disseminates itself along the streets asking for a path of mutual aid to the places of production and trade, in a mutual exchange of values ​​and signifiers. For a week, the works of art therefore take the place of objects in the window and / or inside the shops, destabilizing our obsessed vision and allowing us to rediscover the intrinsic meaning of the things that we ourselves conceive, design, create.Artists Stefano Bolcato, Alessandra De Berardis, Stefania Di Filippo, Alessandra Di Francesco, Federico Faeta, Emanuela Lena, Consuelo Mura,  Alessia Nardi, Silvia Pao, Donatella Pinocci, Claudia Quintieri, Paola Romoli Venturi, Valerio Scarapazzi

ShopsTrieste District

A - Aria Design Lab - Via Ceresio 37 RomaB - nAm naturaArtismagistra - Via di Priscilla 13 RomaC - Mamà food & mood - Via di Priscilla 26 RomaD - La Gallina bah - Via Fogliano 43-47 RomaE - Terraria - Via Nemorense 109 RomaF - Mood Boutique - Via Nemorense 128 RomaG - OM Style - Via Nemorense 147 RomaH - Cinque Porzioni - Via Collalto Sabino 70 Roma

Visit route: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1FhLzQR-Ed6hUkOlhb_s41KlyCqUlAfem&usp=sharing

ContactsInterno 14 next - Associazione blowartRoberta Melaseccaroberta.melasecca@gmail.com3494945612www.interno14next.itwww.melaseccapressoffice.itwww.festivaldeltempo.it


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