Mirta Carroli - Solid as Air

It might seem an oxymoron to attribute solidity to the element air, but in fact what Mirta Carroli has achieved in the spaces of TRAleVOLTE is a transformation.

It might seem an oxymoron to attribute solidity to the element air, but in fact what Mirta Carroli has achieved in the spaces of TRAleVOLTE is a transformation.

If FucinaFuoco, the work that opens at the same time as this exhibition at SIC - Sculture in Campo (Bassano in Teverina - VT) and whose maquette is on exhibit, speaks of the transformation from liquid to solid that matter goes through thanks to fusion, Solid as Air tells of a new, more conceptual passage. The sculpture detaches itself from the ground, hovers in the air until it becomes shadow, mutates from iron to paper to light in a total art work that embraces the enclosed space and the viewer who passes through it. It is the lightness of sculpture that in the clarity of the geometric form of the triangle leads us on a path toward immateriality.

Giulia Del Papa



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