Giulietta Cavallotti
A star is born! It is in the Space! It is the new theme to which the artist dedicated himself this year, after winning the 2024 Borgo First Prize. : “We wonder if Giulietta Cavallotti's journey has a “dream” as its destination.
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Biographical notes

Born in Rome. Graduated in Modern Letters at the University of La Sapienza in Rome. Painter and sculptor. Since 2002 she has attended the RUFA (Free Academy of Fine Arts in Rome) where, besides undertaking a pictorial artistic career, he also attended courses in sculpture and sketches of nude. Since 2008, his pictorial research is directed at the study of trains and stations, using a mixed technique and oil, through a path that the artist likes to define as "the artistic journey", also as a metaphor of his existential journey of life."Maupassant said that the journey is a kind of door through which it comes out of reality to enter an unexplored reality that has the semblance of" dream. "You can ask whether Jululietta Cavallotti's stations and trains are also meta the "dream" if his paintings flee from everyday life to penetrate and inhabit a dreamlike and ideal landscape >> << The motion of the train arriving or part and the shelter of a car in which a soul is reflected on window and reflection of the whole of his own indecipherable mystery, but in turn the self-reflection of them is true, in these mystical canvases the reflection of the flowing world without stations where to stand. Between the self and the other by itself a symbiosis that is digitized and Leitimotiv of these works is realized. It has participated in numerous collective and personal exhibitions and has received pictorial and photographic recognition.

Personal exhibitions:

2024: Viaggio nello spazio La Scala d'Oro

2022 "Riflessi ad alta Velocità" Museo Venanzo Crocetti , Via Cassia 492 Roma  2017 - "Trains and Stations, Ports and Ships" sponsored by Transita and Unipli-Molise At the Hotel Cupole in Vinchiaturo (CB)2015 - "Train and Station", Auditorium Unita d'Italia - Isernia2015 - "Travel Perspectives", Galleria MICRO Viale Mazzini, 1- Rome2012 - "Reflections on Departure"; Gallery at Hotel Adriano, Rome2011 - "Return trip", Gallery "The lab" Vicolo del Moro, Rome -2011 - "An Evening of Reflections", Amedeo's Gallery of the Old Coronary Street, Rome2011 - "Personal Train Show and Trains", "Da Vinicio", Ansedonia-Grosseto2010 - "The journey" Torretta Valadier of Ponte Milvio, City of Rome XX Circumcision "2009 - Personal Show at Market Hotel Adriano, Rome2009 - "Train and Station" Galleria Amedeo Del Vecchio Via dei Coronari, Rome2008 - "Soap and Pessimism Amedeo Gallery of the Old Coronary Street, Rome2008 - - "First Person" Amedeo Gallery of the Old Via dei Coronari 211, Rome

Collective exhibitions

2022 Museo di Ingegneria Aerospaziale Università La Sapienza 2017 - Exhibition at the Sea Museum "in Genoa on the occasion of the 2nd Biennial of Genoa organized by Saturated2017 - Saturarte 22th National Contemporary Art Competition, Palazzo Stella, Genoa2017 - "Open sea" bipersonal painting and sculpture Gallery "The laboratory" Vicolo del Moro, Rome2015 -2017 - "Except for dew" Exposition at Venetian Space, Via Reno 18 / a Rome"The sky in a room"; Galleria MICRO "Viale Mazzini 1, Rome2011.- Saturarte National Contemporary Art Competition, Palazzo Stella, Genoa2013 - XVII Massenzio Prize - ISA Istituto Superiore Anticendi, Galleria Massenzio, Rome2013 - "You're Moving", The Laboratory Trastevere, Rome2009 - "Three Comparing Artists", Castle of Santa Severa2008 - - "The light mirror"; two-person Gallery Metastasio 15 * ART GALLERY & STORE *, Rome2008 - "The Masters & Students", Monumental Complex San Michele in Ripa, RUFA Accademia Organization2007 - "100 works for the right to food" FAO World Food Day 2007 by FAO and the RUFA Academy Rome2006 - "Paper Alchemy and Colors", Spazio Vertecchi, Rome2006 - "Art for Africa IPSAR Portuguese Institute of St. Anthony, Rome" in support of AMREF, curated by the RUFA Academy, with the patronage of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and the City of Rome2006 - "Art for Life" Convent of St. Francis at Ripa - Rome in support of ABE Ematoncologica Children Association by the RUFA Academy

Pictorial acknowledgments2017 Selected for the Genoa Biennale at Galata, Sea Museum, Finalist for the 22nd National Contemporary Art Competition Saturated Genova, Finalist at Massimo XVII Prize Competition; 2011 - Selected among the winners of the 16th National Art Competition SatuARTE in Genoa; 2009 - He was awarded the prize for the "Astarte" Prize of Santa Severa, Santa Marinella


2002-2017 Rufa Academy - Painting Courses (Tullio De Franco), Drawing and Nudity Courses (Fabrizio dell'Arno) Sculpture Courses (Davide Dormino) and at the blue door (Alberto Durante) photography course (Silvio Mencarelli) Cralt Telecom (Vincenzo Amarante) 

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Events at Rome Art Week
Behind the curtain
01 Jun-30 Nov 2024
Behind the curtain
An exhibition dedicated to the maternal figure, to the daily, incessant work that every mother dedicates to the care of her children and the well-being of the family.An often hidden job that sometimes we d
Free access
Vernissage Wednesday 02 Oct 2024 | 18:30-19:30
Domus RC Castel di Guido
Via Barbagallo 20
The Mediterranean
19-26 Oct 2024
The Mediterranean
Collective exhibition of contemporary art, curated by Patrizia Langher, with the participation of 21 artists who are members of the Association Il Salotto di Diotima
Free access
Vernissage Saturday 19 Oct 2024 | 18:00-20:00
Galleria Consorti
Via Margutta 52/A
Exhibition MEDITERRANEAN - Talk with the artist
25 Oct 2024 | 17:30-19:30
Exhibition MEDITERRANEAN - Talk with the artist
Giulietta Cavallotti, Giovanna Cataldo, Monica Roganti e Ruggero Lenci, talian artists participating in the exhibition, will be present in the gallery to talk about art and beauty, their works, the exhibition and our cultural association.
Free access
Galleria Consorti
Via Margutta 52/A
Giulietta Cavallotti
26 Oct 2024 | 17:00-20:00
Giulietta Cavallotti
I START AGAIN with RAW from 19 ottobre ti 21 December 2024
Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Via degli Scipioni, 210
environ ... mentally friendly
23 Oct 2023 | 11:00-19:00
environ ... mentally friendly
Arte come capacità di accordarsi alle esigenze di carattere ecologico
Free access
Associazione Multifunzionale AReA M -APS
Via Giuseppe Candeo 18
Giulietta Cavallotti
21 Oct 2019 | Time to be defined
Giulietta Cavallotti

Event by invitation only
Open Studio
Giulietta Cavallotti
Giulietta Cavallotti
09-14 Oct 2017 | 17:00-20:00
Giulietta Cavallotti

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Giulietta Cavallotti
Via di Sant' Igino Papa, 88
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