Stefania Mecucci Open Studio

“Homonili” is a “monilizzazione” (reproduction through “monili” or jewels) of humans, whose shape the artist tries to reproduce.The materials and the technique used by the artist to express herself represent transparency and the preciousness (.


“Homonili” is a “monilizzazione” (reproduction through “monili” or jewels) of humans, whose shape the artist tries to reproduce.

The materials and the technique used by the artist to express herself represent transparency, more or less vacant or utopian, through the resin, the preciousness hidden within everyone through the material used, like the silver or gold leaf, the instability of our common feeling “hung by a thread”, condition symbolized by the suspension threads of some jewels, the attachment to the earth through the use of the terra-cotta and the creation of the tridimensionality through a sketch, an outline, a frame of an even bigger oneiric image and finally the material rush of the enamel which comes out of the canvas in order to communicate its own existential dimension which takes form and life in the brightness of a discreet, always rather monochromatic language.


The gesture of «incorporating» in the material that precious side which is within each of us, more or less hidden or visible, makes us reflect on the doubt whether this preciousness is truthful or not.

The «seriality» of the casts produces shapes which are apparently identical, yet different, the one from the other, both in the meaningful morphology and in the specific exhibition design and chromaticity, purposely in order to point out the similarity of every single being, due to our common human condition, in the plurality of the multitude.

Each colour comes to life through the symbols of spirit (blue), passion (copper red) and  preciousness (gold and silver).

The variety of materials represents the numerous expressions and the natural changes which take place in the course  of each existence.

The tense relationships of humans, in the attempt to reach balance and fulfilment, define and create, through the tridimensionality of the works, a movement which can guide them from an imperfect status of perpetual search to the tridimensionality of a status, at least, of bliss. Transparency and value strengthen that idea hidden in every human being, which must be revealed in its totally unrepeatable authenticity and personality, and which sometimes has difficulty in revealing itself.

V. C.

(traduzione di A. D\\\\\\\'Anastasio)


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