Michel Patrin Open Studio

PANTA REI?Open studio of Rome Art Week 2024Friday October 25, 2024 at 16,00 / 20,30The success of this famous aphorism attributed to Heraclitus is linked to our fluid and changing identity. So Michel’s Panta rei becomes an existential question.


Open studio of Rome Art Week 2024

Friday October 25, 2024   at 16,00 / 20,30

The current success of this famous aphorism attributed to Heraclitus but in reality interpreted by Simplicius and Plato, is linked to our fluid and changing identity, to the constant becoming of contemporary society: to the acceleration of our rhythms of life.

Heraclitus’ thinking, actually much more complex than subsequent interpretations, identifies a constant tension, a conflicting harmony in all that exists. Michel in his works is precisely in search of that plot of opposites that binds the flow of his canvases.

The technique used in his recent creations with the use of diluted colour as to generate movement, the flow of time and space, superimposes some others, almost in its becoming a promise of harmonic stability.

The colour lives the tension of the opposites, plays to chase itself inspired by the circular movement of Heraclitus.

So Michel’s Panta rei becomes an existential question: can our fluid and changing identity constitute the premise for overcoming the loss? Can it be warned to welcome change as a source of growth and regeneration? Can it help us embrace the mystery of existing?


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