Michel Patrin
Michel was born in Paris in 1953. He holds a degree in Architecture from the University of Bordeaux . He moved to Rome in 1979 where he started his professional career as an architect and an artist.
Data and contact details

Michel Patrin

Michel was born in Paris in 1953. He holds a degree in Architecture from the university of Bordeaux and a master degree  in European studies from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.

Ho moved to Rome in 1979 where he started his professional career as an architect. In parallel to his activity as architect ha has always been painting and drawing using different tecniques and materials.

In 1983 he foundred wi Laura Belforti, the Vetrocreare, company expert in creation and restoration of stained glass. Vetrocreare has pproduce more than 2000 works in Italy and in the world, and received a number of awards for its activity.

Michel is currently the president of the cultural asociation: " associazione Arte altra"

His professional and artistic developments is markes by a continuous search for new expressive tools and by the creative interaction of the different domains of application of his work.

This development is still very much ongoing and takes into account the transformations and contradictions of contemporary society, thas are howevwe addressed with full autonomy from trends and fashions.


Exhibitions of the past year: See above in the italian biografy




Atelier of Art and stained glass: Viale delle Milizie, 76  00192 Roma

tel: +39 3398001113

Events at Rome Art Week
Image not present
25 Oct 2024 | 16:00-20:30
Michel Patrin
PANTA REI?Open studio of Rome Art Week 2024Friday October 25, 2024 at 16,00 / 20,30The success of this famous aphorism attributed to Heraclitus is linked to our fluid and changing identity. So Michel’s Panta rei becomes an existential question.
Free access
Open Studio
Studio Vetrocreare Michel Patrin
Viale delle Milizie, 76
: WHERE THE LAND MEETS THE SEA                                Michel Patrin
23 Oct 2023 | 15:30-19:30

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Michel Patrin
Viale delle Milizie, 76
Michel Patrin
24 Oct 2022 | 17:30-20:00
Michel Patrin

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Michel Patrin - Vetrocreare
Viale delle Milizie, 76
Image not present
25 Oct 2021 | 15:30-19:30
Michel Patrin

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Michel Patrin
Viale delle Milizie, 76
Michel Patrin
29 Oct 2020 | 16:00-19:30
Michel Patrin

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Michel Patrin
P.zza San Salvatore in Lauro, 5a
Michel Patrin
24 Oct 2019 | 16:00-20:00
Michel Patrin

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Michel Patrin
P.zza S. Salvatore in Lauro, 5a
Michel Patrin
25 Oct 2018 | 13:00-19:00
Michel Patrin

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Vetrocreare, Michel Patrin / Vetrocreare
P.zza San Salvatore in Lauro, 3
Lab 5
09 Oct 2017 | 16:30
Lab 5
Un'officina artistica
Free access
Associazione Arte Altra - Vetrocreare
Viale delle Milizie, 76 - interno cortile
LAB 5, un evento organizzato da Associazione Arte altra
10 Oct 2017 | 16:30
LAB 5, un evento organizzato da Associazione Arte altra
Un officina artistica
Free access
Associazione Arte Altra - Vetrocreare
Viale delle Milizie, 76. Interno cortile
Michel Patrin
11-13 Oct 2017 | 16:00-20:00
Michel Patrin

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Michel Patrin- Vetrocreare
P.zza San Salvatore in Lauro, 5a
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