Art Ecosystem Environment

Contemporary Art has developed including also environmental issues

Contemporary Art has developed over the years including various disciplines, including the relationship between Art and Science.

The installations have borrowed new expressive aspects from scenography and video art.Even the segment of art in political commitment has raised public awareness on various issues, including in the field of the environment and the ecosystem.

Many aspects of Contemporary Art stimulate aggregation processes in a period in which some make up for the various shortcomings of politics.In recent years we have understood that each generation of artists gives its own interpretation of art by investigating anthropological archetypes on the environment, nature, urban space, society as a whole, including issues related to recent news and conflicts that cross the world.

There is not much new to discover but there is a lot to interpret, the function of art is changing and the protection policies that are good for the 19th and 20th centuries do not work for the art of the 2000s. New models of contemporary management are being born, adapted to the Art of the new millennium. On this side we compare and choose, the spaces of the imagination open up which can only be accessed through creative experience, which in recent years is often also collective, as a relational experience that can change the artist, the world, the cities and people.

Artist: Aportone, Bianchi, Brandenburg, Ceccato, Del Brocco, Di Pasquale,  Fabbiocchi, Grasso, Gruppo Sinestetico, La Commare, Letter (Losapio), Lama, Leoni C.e A.,  Salvia, Savino, Spezzano,   Xiang


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