RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea
The RO.MI. Gallery is characterized by the realization of multimedia cultural events: exhibitions of contemporary figurative art, installations, performances, video installations and reviews of video art, feature films, theater-dance.
 RO.MI. believes that contemporary cultural research should deepen the relationship between art and science.
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The RO.MI. is characterized by the realization of multimedia cultural events: contemporary figurative art exhibitions, installations, performances, video installations and reviews of video art, feature films, theater-dance. The RO.MI. believes that contemporary cultural research must deepen the relationship between art and science. In fact it seems that the scientific field, and in particular physics and cosmology, have long been the fields in which human knowledge produces real novelties, projecting itself decisively into the future and opening very new perspectives. These disciplines have made obsolete old conceptions of matter and the universe by radically modifying the concept of "reality". Just think of quantum mechanics and the attempts to combine it with general relativity in the search for a unifying theory of universal laws. In this enterprise, art, in its own ways, concurs, alongside science, to explore new speculative avenues. The gallery, which has been organizing events since 2004, will continue to present projects by contemporary artists that address current issues, referring to the problems that emerge from the incessant investigations into "reality" made by science and art.

Events at Rome Art Week
Art Ecosystem Environment
26 Oct-07 Nov 2020
Art Ecosystem Environment
Contemporary Art has developed including also environmental issues
Free access
RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea
Via Vetulonia, 55
Five Inhalations and Four Exhalations.
28 Oct 2020 | 17:30
Five Inhalations and Four Exhalations.
Donato DI PASQUALE (DDP) piano Satie, Joplin, Cage, Reich ,Glass,
Free access
RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea
Via Vetulonia 55
Il Tempo Originario
30 Oct 2020 | 18:30
Il Tempo Originario
Regia video Vincenzo Ceccato - Danza e coreografia Rossana Abritta
Free access
RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea
Via Vetulonia 55
23 Oct 2019 | 16:30
Artistic research on the relationship between art and science.
Free access
RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea
Via Vetulonia 55
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