Giuseppe Scelfo
With artistic language I want to show the future direction of internal transformations for not falsely green events
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Monday 21 October

from 4pm to 8pm



On display the cyclical nature of life with artistic language.

Through the transformations of 2024, high vibrations for the future away from false green economies come to life.

Visual work is an internal work that embraces every body.

The graphic tracks are embraces of the soul and in the soul and dialogue over time.

The vision of the future desires us while the past pushes us: the Work is the present, visible and already past.

The event highlights the ways and moments in which everything transforms seamlessly.


Recent works speak of moments in the making.


I start from the consideration that the canvases are images of houses, from mine to those of the people around me, in short, a hypothesis of a "neighborhood", a country with cultivated fields until the harvest, and this is the moment in which the canvases are completed.

Showing them, then, is the backing and their digestibility in assuming and metabolizing them, until they are transformed into feelings within each of us.

The Works represent our Homes, so GENERATE them binds us to the BODY, OUR and the inscrutable one of NATURE, through the binder of the HEART.

A video will be shot to document the week.

Proposed activities (every day  - no wednesday, 25 -12.30 - 21.00)

- Taste of creativity. Live practice with guests.

- Portrait of the guests (with 3 photos)

- Documentary video shooting

 Architect / Artist, I have been developing visual research since the end of the 70s through different languages, from painting to ceramics, to glass fusion, to video'art languages ​​and to photo compositing, in small and large dimensions.

The latter and space, transparency, light, are the main references of my works, together with the identification of human space, fragmented, inscrutable, yet "transparent in its essence".

In 2019 the "Prototypes" are born, display cases that critically visualize the loss of Nature in the contemporary transformation into ARTIFICIAL NATURE, which would like to replace the natural fertile one and, as seductive and bewitching sirtene, prototypes of new reproductive modalities, in the intimate intertwining of Attraction which exerts the universal force of the gaze. Made with Murano glass rods, on plexiglass support, the Teche are made with a real architectural construction project and are felt and thought with a look towards the project of the future.


 Some Activities


Open Studio 2023, Open Studio RAW 2022, RAW 2021

Antinatale 2020 collettiva presso RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea Via Vetulonia 55, Roma

RAW 2020 artista partecipante/esposizione collettiva presso RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea Via Vetulonia 55, Roma

RAW 2019 artista partecipante/esposizione collettiva presso RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea Via Vetulonia 55, Roma

MACRO ASILO Atelier 25-30 giugno 2019



A.M.A.C.I. 2018 esposizione presso RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea Via Vetulonia 55

Arte Genova 2015 XI ed. Febbraio 2015

IX LONDON BIENNALE 1/8/2016 presso Studio.ra Contemporary Art, svolta a Roma

A.M.A.C.I. 2014 esposizione presso RO.MI. Arte Contemporanea Via Vetulonia 55

“Sacro Fiume Almone in Primavera, evento Open House maggio 2014 Galleria Studio.ra

Dependance Casina delle Civette, Villa Torlonia, Arte-Viva in Villa Torlonia, maggio 2009

Palazzo Valentini, sotterranei, personale, 1986

Coordinatore metodologie Rappresentazione visiva scuole e Università, Dipartimento di Rappresentazione Facoltà di Architettura di Roma, 1984-1985

IL BEATO CREATORE, pittura e installazioni Palazzina Corsini, Villa Pamphili, 1984, Roma


Wrote: Emilio Villa, Mario Lunetta, Dario Micacchi, Elio Mercuri

web: https// - Facebook: giuseppescelfo

youtube: giuseppescelfo


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