Salma Eltoukhy
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Salma Eltoukhy (1997) is a curator and cultural events planner, besides being Miss Egypt and tourism ambassador for 2023. Egyptian based in Rome, she did her masters degree in the curatorial department of the Academy of fine arts of Rome, and had a diploma in music from Royal College of music.

She deals with creating artistic intercultural contacts and dialogues, organizing exhibitions aimed at creating a cultural bridge between the West and the Middle East. Founder of L'OBELISCO, a curatorial collective, aimed at diffusing the Egyptian culture and building a cultural bridge between Italy and Egypt; organizing exhibitions, cultural events, and curatorial projects.

She worked as a cultural mediator at prestigious institutions such as Peggy Guggenheim, the National Gallery of Rome and the European cultural center, and collaborated in the realization of various exhibitions at the fine art academies of Venice and Rome, and galleries in Milan and Spain.  Among her prizes were "Cambridge outstanding learner's award" in Art and Design, "Design & sustainability award" from the MIIT museum, and an Art rights prize finalist, besides being selected for "Best Inspiring & Creativity Women Award 2023".



Events at Rome Art Week
Water and Life
30 Sep-24 Oct 2022
Water and Life
In occasion of Nile flood festival
Free access
Vernissage Friday 30 Sep 2022 | 18:30-21:00
Ufficio culturale Egiziano
Via delle terme di traiano, 13
A VISION ON EARTH - manere et fluere
19 Oct-02 Nov 2022
A VISION ON EARTH - manere et fluere
on the occasion of the world climate conference of the United Nations COP27
Event on Reservation
Vernissage Wednesday 19 Oct 2022 | 16:30
Ambasciata della Repubblica Araba d'Egitto.
Via salaria 267
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