A VISION ON EARTH - manere et fluere

on the occasion of the world climate conference of the United Nations COP27

The exhibition "A VISION ON EARTH: manere et fluere" opens at the gardens of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt on 19 October at 4.30 pm on the occasion of the world climate conference of the United Nations COP27.

The exhibition, curated by Salma Eltoukhy and in collaboration with the emeritus art critic and historian Francesco Gallo Mazzeo, aims to raise awareness and highlight issues related to climate change;  the works on display until the 2nd of November, are inspired by the Egyptian and Roman civilizations, analyze environmental phenomena such as desertification, melting glaciers, floods, using natural and recycled materials.

The event, under the auspices of the charge d'affaires of the Egyptian Embassy Mr. Nagui Ghaba, and under the patronage of the Roman Aquarium and the order of Architects.

Artists on show:Diana Biscaioli, Silvia Broccatelli, Alessia Forconi, Oriana Impei, Mirna Manni, Matthias Omahen, Franco Paternostro, Geremia Renzi, Stefano Sabetta, Filippo Tincolini, Raffaella Tommasi, Antonio Tropiano, Raffaele Vitto, Consuelo Zatta.


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