Collective I DISEGUALI
"Dentro la Mente" is an artistic project that aims to explore and raise awareness on the topic of mental health through a dialogue between painting and sculpture. The project involves artists, working together to create a visual and tactile experience.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details
Participating Artists

Project Objectives


Create a visual experience that explores and raises awareness of the different facets of mental health, promoting empathy and understanding, through:


1. *Awareness Raising*: Raising awareness and reducing stigma associated with mental health.


2. *Exploration*: Giving voice to personal and collective experiences related to mental health.


3. *Integration*: Create a synergy between painting and sculpture for a multidimensional artistic representation.


Project Elements:


1. *Main Topics*:


   - Anxiety


   - Depression


   - Hope


   - Healing


   - Resilience


2. *Formats and Media*:


   - *Painting*: Paintings that represent the emotions linked to different mental states.


   - *Sculpture*: Three-dimensional installations that allow spectators to physically interact with the work.


   - *Multimedia*: Using video and sound to create immersive environments that reflect specific mental states.


3. *Techniques*:


   - *Expressionism*: To capture the intense and often chaotic emotions of mental experiences.


   - *Realism*: To represent human figures and their stories in a recognizable and accessible way.


   - *Abstractism*: To explore more ethereal and personal concepts of the mind.


Project Structure

1. *Entrance - The Transition*:

  - An installation that simulates entering the mind, with lights and sounds that gradually change, creating a sense of immersion.

2. *Section 1 - Anxiety*:

   - Paintings with bright colors and frenetic shapes to represent agitation and inner chaos. 

3. *Section 2 - Depression*:

   - Works with dark tones and heavy shapes that convey a sense of weight and immobility.

4. *Section 3 - Hope and Healing*:

   - Painted in warm, bright colors that represent rebirth and hope.

   - Interactive sculptures that allow viewers to add positive elements to the work, symbolizing the awareness and resilience with which we face the vicissitudes and suffering caused by stigma and prejudice. 

5. *Section 4 – Resilience.*:

   - paintings and or sculptures that represent the concept of resilience as a metaphor to describe the individual's ability to remain compensated in the face of serious traumatic experiences, as a result of the combination of inner strength, external support and the ability to learn from experience.

6. *Section 5 – Media*

    - Background sounds that evoke a sense of tension and urgency.

    - A sound installation with low tones and slow rhythms.

- *Duration*: a final exhibition lasting one week from 21st to 28th October.

Events at Rome Art Week
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