Chryssis Vici
An incessant journey of excavation through the multiple layers of life and painting, in search of dreams, memories, myths, shadows, colors in order to reach a longed and contemplative "Blessed Harmony" pervaded by light in which you no longer need anything
Data and contact details

"Research, Innovation and Passion are part of my work. This is where my new abstract artistic commitment comes from thanks to Oil and Wax technique"

Biography Chryssis Vici

Chryssis Vici was born in Greece and lives in Rome. 

He has worked and studied primarily in Rome, with the exception of time spent in Venice attending an “Etching experimental techniques course” led by Maestro Riccardo Licata at the International Institute for graphics. This gave him good knowledge in working with unusual materials. The experience gained during this stay in Venice turned out to be useful for the study of in-depth experimental techniques and would be crucial for his later informal work. 

In Rome he studied oil painting at the Istituto di Arti Ornamentali S. Giacomo and the free School of the Nude at the Accademia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Arts), with renowned artist Giulio Turcato. In this course of study he was introduced to the exploration of form and subsequently to refine his technique and employ new descriptive approaches. 

Studying with Giulio Turcato was an important experience leading to the transition from realistic painting in favour of the idiom of abstraction. 

He took part in various workshops in watercolour directed by the artist Pedro Cano in several locations in Italy, including: Ragusa, Prumiano, Naples (at the Instituto Cervantes) and Matera. The most recent workshop was held in Blanca, Spain, during which time Vici donated a work to the “Pedro Cano Foundation”. 

The trip to China: In 2011 Vici was selected in an artist project “Following the footsteps of Marco Polo”. In this project, with other 100 italian painters he was invited in the city of Hangzhou where Marco Polo lived for a long period. An important experience begins through an exchange with local artists and exposure to a totally different reality. He was offered the precious opportunity to paint and render the atmosphere of the Hangzhou landscapes.  

For several years his work was oriented towards figurative painting and the study of the human figure, giving rise to a rich and prolific period. He studied masters such as Cezanne, Gauguin, Bonnard and Afro and others but in 2013, felt the need to explore other paths. He finally found the answers to his emotional inquiry in abstract painting.

In Berlin, his recent abstract works were shown at the Berliner Liste from 19 to 22 September 2013 during the Berliner Art Week. Then the same works were exhibited at Gallery Uno in Berlin. 

Following an exhibition held in 2013 at Civic Museum of Anticoli Corrado near Rome, 2 works have been selected and are now part of the permanent collection. 

From 13 to 22 May 2014, he participated at the “European PleinAir Symposium” held in Beit-Jala, Palestine. The project was organised under the leadership of “Huber & Treff Gallery” from Jena, Germany.Creating works of arts en pleinair under the influence of the surrounding natural landscape gives him the possibility to exchange, to interact with the other and the foreign. 

“III Biennale d’Arte Creativa” held in Viterbo from 24 May to 14 June 2014 where one of his abstract work ” Borea ” was exposed at “Palazzo dei Papi”.  

Workshop in June 2014 with Pedro Cano. One watercolour work was donated at the Archeological Museum of Salonique. 

The Irish experience : From October to November 2014 and October to November 2015 workshops of Oil & Wax with the artist Rebecca Crowell at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ballycastle, Ireland to practice and implement this new technique that will be the most striking feature of his recent abstract works. This experience would lead to a shift in orientation in his latest works.

From 12 al 19 September 2015, he parteciped at ArtExpo di Ragusa Ibla with his abstract work entitled ”Etna”. 

During 2016, he participated at the Oxford Art International Fair and the Art Market of Budapest presenting the “Fossil series“, inspired to the Irish experience. 

October 2016, he takes part at the Rome Art Week and organizes an Open Studio showing and explaining his works. 

December 2016, in Berlin, he takes part in "Self-portrait" exhibition at the Gallery Uno with the international group “Pittori Uniti per la Pittura“ and on December 2017, in the exhibition “Landscape homage to Painting” with the works “Amorgos” and “After Afro” and on January 2018 the same exhibition is presented at Rome at the Virus Art Gallery. 

He participates at Rome Art Week, 22-27 October 2018 with the series “Wrecks” organised by "Art Exhibition Link – Artists, Rome" of Barbara Goebels, in Borgo Pio. 

Berlino, again in Gallery Uno on December 2019, he participates in the exhibition “Nudes” with the international group “Pittori Uniti per la Pittura”.

Rome, 29-30 March 2019, he presents some works inspired to his homeland in the exhibition “Homage to Greece” with the participation of the Greek Community of Rome and Lazio, organised by "Art Exhibition Link – Artists Studio Rome", of Barbara Goebels, in Borgo Pio. 

Rome Art Week, 21-26 October 2019, he organizes his Open Studio where he shows his lasts works oil and wax “Kouros” He is selected by the Pinacoteca Comunale di Gaeta, for the XXXI Porticato Gaetano from November 2019 until January 2020, and exhibits two works oil and wax “Notre-Dame de Paris uno e Notre-Dame de Paris due”. Rome, he takes part to the Mostra di Arte Contemporanea  at Ex Cartiera Latina, 14-24 December 2019 with abstract works “Palestina, Borea and Luxor” At Trento Art Festival, 24-18 February 2021 he presents some abstract works and “Trittico Verde”, (Series "Trees, our brothers").Exhibition in Spazio San Vidal, Venice, 15 - 25 September 2022 with some works part of the series " Trees, our brothers".Exhibitions Galleria segno grafico – Roma Gallera dell’incisione – Venezia Galleria Domenicani – Bolzano Sala Comunale di Ragusa Istituto Cervantes-Napoli Museo Civico di Anticoli Corrado Fondazione Pedro Cano di Blanca – Spagna, 2010 Teatro dei Dioscuri – Manifestazione “ArteperOggi-Roma Project Marco Polo Cina – Hangzhou, 2011 Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa-Venezia, 2011 Fortezza da Basso-Firenze Museo Leonardiano-Vinci Museo del vetro Empoli Palazzo Comunale di Montaione San Nicola in carcere-Roma Berliner List- Berlino, 2013 Gallery Uno-Berlino, 2013 Museo Civico di Anticoli Corrado, 2013 European Pleinair Symposium, Beit-Jala, Palestine, 2014 Palazzo dei Papi, Viterbo, 2014 Museo Archeologico di Salonicco,2014 The Ballinglen Arts Foundation, Ireland, 2014 Palazzo Cosentini e Auditorium San Vincenzo Ferreri, ArtExpo, Ragusa Ibla, 2015 Oxford International Art Fair, 2016 Biennale di Viterbo 2016, Palazzo dei Papi Art Market Budapest, 2016 Self portraits exhibition, with “Pittori Uniti per la Pittura”Gallery Uno, Berlin, 2016        “Landscape homage to Painting” exhibition, with “Pittori Uniti per la Pittura”, Gallery Uno, 2017 Virus Art Gallery, Landscape homage to Painting, with “Pittori Uniti per la Pittura”, Rome, 2018 Rome Art Week, October 2018 Rome, Art Exhibition Link – Artists Studio Rome “Homage to Greece” March 2019 Rome Art Week, Open Studio, 21-26 October 2019 Pinacoteca Comunale di Gaeta, XXXI Porticato Gaetano, November 2019 – January 2020  Mostra di Arte Contemporanea  at Ex Cartiera Latina, Rome, 14-24 December 2019 Trento Art Festival, 24-28 February 2021Spazio San Vidal, Venezia, 15-25 September 2022

Chryssis Vici © 2022




Events at Rome Art Week
The essence of the visible
24 Oct 2024 | 18:30-21:00
The essence of the visible
Laura Grosso, Anthony Lombardi, Roberto Neri, Gianluca Tedaldi, Chryssis Vici.
Free access
Della Pittura
Via Suvereto 30
Image not present
27 Oct 2022 | 16:00-20:00
Chryssis Vici

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Chryssis Vici
via Gargagnana 8
Light. Life. Nature.
29-30 Oct 2021
Light. Life. Nature.
Laura Grosso - Anthony Lombardi - Chryssis Vici
Free access
Vernissage Friday 29 Oct 2021 | 18:00-21:00
via simeto 44,46,48
Chryssis Vici
22 Oct 2019 | 18:00-21:00
Chryssis Vici

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Chryssis Vici
via Michele di Lando 72
International Artists of the Gallery UNO in Berlin
22-27 Oct 2018
International Artists of the Gallery UNO in Berlin
Elsing-Grosso-Lombardi-Kohn-Pfleiderer- Reilly-Vici-Pittori Uniti per la Pittura
Free access
Art Exhibition Link / Artists Studio Roma
Borgo Pio 125
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