Giampaolo Paleotti
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Paolo Paleotti aka Giampaleotti was born in Rome in 1972 and since childhood has shown great talent and versatility towards creativity and art, inspired by his grandfather's sacred works.His training is not academic but made up of the hard pragmatic school of work on the building site.His youthful approach with building materials and recycled materials pushed him to express himself artistically, experimenting first with the different techniques of decoration, plastics, painting and finally with sculpture.Having direct knowledge of materials, he felt the need to transform them as if his own soul and all his creative energies were pushing him to mould them.From the material to the soul and from the soul to the material, Giampaleotti's spontaneous art has no need of preliminaries nor of captions or adjectives, useless prerogatives of purely academic redefinitions.A narrative that places the attentive observer at the centre of a personal, theatrical and iconographic story.

The unashamed narrative of the artist's awakening conscience becomes collective and universal awareness through his works.Giampaleotti is a free spirit, self-taught and approaches the recycled materials in his work without reverential, cultural or gender fears that would be detrimental to the representation of his artistic vision.It is precisely a vision that we are dealing with, and therefore it is necessary to follow the path and discourse that Giampaleotti proposes, not necessarily chronological but evolutionary: from soul to material.An artistic embodiment of the 'self' that takes shape with his sculptural works from 'Moment of a Dream' to 'Parable of Existence', through other fundamental works such as 'Good and Evil' and 'Barge of Existence', metaphysical transmutations that nonetheless affect reality such as 'Little Theatre of Existence' or a fundamental work such as 'Equilibrium and Unbalance', philosophical as 'Man Who You Are'.Touching the chords of the soul, Giampaleotti invites us to enter into the true nature of matter, the profound and sacred one, a dichotomy that underlies the eternal dilemma between " Presence " " Absence " breaking that thin membrane that separates us from the Divine.Mauro SilaniArt Curator

Personals: 2015 - Milan Eataly Expo for the 'Treasure of Italy' project curated by Vittorio Sgarbi 2016 - Rome Fonderia delle Arti curated by Antonietta Campilongo 2016 - Rome Museo Venanzo Crocetti Bi solo exhibition curated by Giorgio Palumbi 2017 - Rome Museo Venanzo Crocetti International exhibition curated by Mauro Silani and art critic Giorgio Palumbi 2017 - Rieti exhibition hall of the municipality:"Anima e Materia" curated by Mauro Silani 2018 - Rieti under the arches of the Papal Palace: 'L'Universale anima e Materia' curated by Mauro Silani 2019 2019 - Rieti under the arches of the Papal Palace: "The Path of Mercy" curated by Mauro Silani

Mostre Con il Collettivo Oxford

2018- Roma:  Collettiva Itinerante "Arcaico e Presente" del Collettivo Oxford Hotel Oxford 

 2018 - Sutri:Collettiva Itinerante del Collettivo Oxford  a Palazzo del Drago 

2018 - L’Aquila: Collettiva Itinerante  del Collettivo Oxford al Palazzetto dei Nobili dell’Aquila

2019 - Roma: Collettiva Itinerante  del Collettivo Oxford alla Galleria Gard

2019 - Santa Marinella Collettiva Itinerante del Collettivo Oxford al Castello Di Santa Severa

2021 - Roma:  Collettiva Itinerante del Collettivo Oxford  Spazio Arte Vertecchi

2022 - Roma:  Collettiva Itinerante del Collettivo Oxford Hotel Oxford 

Events at Rome Art Week
23-31 Oct 2023
Beyond Time, Space and Color curated by Mauro Silani
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 18:30-20:30
Hotel Oxford
Via Bocompagni, 89
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