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Unicorno Roma - Independent Art Gallery

Culture and lifestyle 

From visual arts to literature, passing through design and the art of living.

The Unicorno is an independent gallery dedicated (devoted) to beauty in all of its declinations, from figurative arts to its multiple sensitivities and aesthetic researches.

It is located in the heart of the city, where artists and intellectuals chose to live throughout the centuries. Besides exhibitions, the gallery hosts meeting experiences (encounters) with artists,designers and authors, looking also for alternative solutions that involve the surrounding realities.  Unicorno Roma is open to literature, prose and poetry. By tradition the gallery (venue) displays objects of high-level design and art de la table.

The space, located on the Rampa Mignanelli, was the studio of Johan Niclas Bystròm.  (Filipstad, Dec. 18th, 1783 - Rome 1848), one of the most important Swedish sculptors, and it displays a very fascinating (most intriguing) plant.


Sonia Giottoli Mystical Tools - Four Soft Lizards
Emilio Farina Unico Unicorno
Marina Hass What Did You Eat Today
Orit Drori Austalia un Muto Dialogo
David Trubridge
Iole Natoli Il Cuore ritrova il battito
Manuela Cattaneo della Volta ANew Exibition
Unicorno Roma - Independent Art Gallery  Culture and lifestyle