Il FotoStudio
Il FotoStudio connects people with photography. It was created by the photographer and visual artist Francesco Amorosino and is a hybrid research space. In his studio it is possible to carry out photo shoots. It hosts experimental photography exhibitions, audiovisual performances, book presentations, photography courses, workshops and meetings with authors. Analog photography has a lot of attention thanks to the presence of a dark room.
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The Fotostudio is the place that connects people with photography.

It is a hybrid, multi-purpose space. It isn't only  the studio of the photographer and visual artist Francesco Amorosino, but it is also hosts photography courses, exhibitions, performances, installations, concerts and book presentations.

Events at Rome Art Week
Foto Percorso 4th edition
14 Oct-14 Nov 2021
Foto Percorso 4th edition
Open air photography exibition
Event on Reservation
Ciclabile dell'Aniene
Via dei Campi Flegrei
25 Oct-27 Nov 2021
I'm not a doll
Postphotographic exhibition by Andrea Tubertini to fight anorexia
Event on Reservation
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 16:30-22:30
Il FotoStudio
Via Valdinievole 106
Foto Percorso - Third edition
26 Oct 2020 | Time to be defined
Foto Percorso - Third edition
Open air photo exhibition
Free access
Orario non definito
Pista ciclabile Aniene
Via Val di Fassa
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