Foto Percorso 4th edition

Open air photography exibition

Evocative places, sunsets of fire and luminous snow, suspended atmospheres and a desire to travel: the photos on display are an invitation to fly with the imagination.The open air exhibition that fills the Sacco Pastore district with photographs of the students of the FotoStudio returns for the fourth year. In this edition as in the last one, the works will be exhibited outdoors on the Aniene cycle path near the basketball court and the Church of Gesù Bambino.It was not easy to choose only a photo for each one for this exhibition, because the students were very good and full of desire to return to photography after the period of restrictions. These photos, therefore, also tell of this newfound freedom to explore the world through the wonderful art we love.These photos have been taken for the DNA Photography base course, the advanced course Telling the City, the Postproduction course and the Still Life course. The exhibition is also an opportunity to open the FotoStudio educational season with new starts for courses for adults and children.


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