Casa dell'Architettura - Acquario Romano
The House of Architecture, housed in the prestigious and peculiar architectural complex of the Roman Aquarium in the heart of the Esquiline district, headquarters of the Order of Architects of Rome and Province, has in recent years become a place of cultural promotion at all levels. Among the cultural activities offered to the public, free of charge, are exhibitions, mainly on themes of architecture and contemporary art.
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The House of Architecture, housed in the prestigious and peculiar architectural complex of the Roman Aquarium in the heart of the Esquiline district, headquarters of the Order of Architects of Rome and Province, has in recent years become a place of cultural promotion at all levels. Among the cultural activities offered to the public, free of charge, are exhibitions, mainly on architectural and contemporary art themes, set up in various spaces of the building, book presentations, events and performances.

Events at Rome Art Week
"Paper geometries"
23 Oct-23 Nov 2023
"Paper geometries"
Mostra di Roberto Mannino "Geometrie di carta"
Free access
Vernissage Monday 23 Oct 2023 | 18:30
Casa dell'Architettura - Acquario Romano
Piazza Manfredo Fanti, 47
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