Nina Eaton
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Nina Eaton is a painter, art educator and muralist. She studied painting, graphic arts and performance at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and Minneapolis College of Art and Design where she completed her BA. She worked as a set designer and muralist until she moved to Italy in 1989, where she created murals and trompe l’oeil for such notable residences as Villa Taverna (US ambassador) and Palazzo Chigi (Italian PM)in Rome. Her work has been published in AD, Architectural Digest, Casa Vogue, Elle Décor, and various interior design books. Currently her painting balances on the edge of representation and abstraction, exploring scale and gesture in relation to the body. She teaches art at the high school and college level. Exhibitions and residencies: February 2023, "Vuoto" at Struttura Gallery, Palazzo Odescalchi, Rome Italy September 2022, "Universal Gardens, Biodiversity Imagined, ed. Cornelia Lauf, Sztukai Dokumentacja 26 (2022) "Split Oak/Double Oak" pp. 127-128; June 2022, "Sipario" performance/installation collaboration with performance artists Melissa Lohman and Flavio Archangeli, Courtyard 27; April 2021, "On Keats" Virtual Exhibition of paintings on the theme of John Keats' poetry with the collaboration of St Stephen's Cultural Center, Rome; September 2019, Pranzo con l’Artista at cultural center “Me” in Oriolo(VT); June 2018, Duneshack Artist Residency, Provincetown,MA, USA; February 2018, Teatro Ada Padovani, In Terra Straniera, Montalto di Castro (VT); October 2017, AMACI 13th Annual Day of Contemporary Art at the Castello Costaguti, Roccalvecce(VT). At Temple University, Rome: March 2018 Tiny Biennale, Notte; March 2017 Tiny Biennale, Yellow; March 2016 Tiny Biennale, Mythology. November 2016, Paintings, Chapel of St Paul’s Within the Walls, Rome. For St Stephens Cultural Center Foundation, Rome: October 2018, Go with the Flow, group show; April 2016, Color Crossing, duo showOctober 2015, backdrop for reading of American poet Charles Simic. November 2014, Neck of the Woods, Landscape Paintings.  October 2014, backdrop for reading of American poet Moira Egan. March 2010, Focus, Interior paintings. Nina lives in Rome and Tuscan Maremma.

Events at Rome Art Week
Chair Poetics
20 Oct-10 Nov 2023
Chair Poetics
exhibition of artist's chairs and more about that iconic object
Free access
Vernissage Friday 20 Oct 2023 | 17:30-21:00
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Nina Eaton
23 Oct 2023 | 17:00-20:00
Nina Eaton

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Nina Eaton
Via dei Santi Quattro,27
24-29 Oct 2022
The monochrome as a horizon in which all colors are reflected
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:30-20:30
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Image not present
28 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Nina Eaton

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Nina Eaton
Via dei Santi Quattro,27
projection - Rosewater Ontology of Art - part one
29 Oct 2022 | 18:30-20:30
projection - Rosewater Ontology of Art - part one
Choral reflection edited by A. D'Amico, B. Lo Turco, L. Giombini, R. Melasecca
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Nina Eaton
29 Oct 2021 | 15:00-20:00
Nina Eaton

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Nina Eaton
Via dei Santi Quattro,27
Nina Eaton
30 Oct 2020 | 16:30-19:30
Nina Eaton

Event on Reservation
Open Studio
Studio Nina Eaton
Via dei Santi Quattro,27
Double Couple - Opening
21-26 Oct 2019
Double Couple - Opening
On display works by six artistic couples
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Image not present
22-25 Oct 2019 | 15:00-17:00
Nina Eaton

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Nina Eaton
Via dei Santi Quattro,27
Double Couple - Second Talk
23 Oct 2019 | 17:30
Double Couple - Second Talk
Talk with Del Grosso, Dumont, Eaton, Restivo. Video projection
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Double Couple - Closing
26 Oct 2019 | 18:00
Double Couple - Closing
Closure of the exhibition and screening of all the videos
Free access
Studio Campo Boario
viale del Campo Boario, 4/A
Nina Eaton
26-27 Oct 2018 | 16:00-20:00
Nina Eaton

Free access
Open Studio
Studio Nina Eaton
Via dei Santi Quattro,27
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