Alessia Nardi
Shots stolen from that degraded, imposing, iconic Romanity such as the ring road, gasometer, bridges, crumbling buildings, the realities in which I immerse myself.
This participant has not yet organized an event or exhibition in this edition or has not been included within an event or exhibition organized by another participant.
Data and contact details


Alessia Nardi lives and works in Rome and has a Degree in Painting from the Roman Accademy of Fine art.




2019 - Atelier Macro Asilo 2/7 July

2019 - Urban Vision - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2012 - On the road - curated by Valentina Grillo - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary art, Rome 

2000 - Video installations - Verde Milonga Cultural Association, Rome 

           Estremization of the body - Verde Milonga Cultural Association, Rome 



2022 - Silent dialogue - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2021 - Hortus Conclusus - Circle of meditation - Installation - curated by Roberta Melasecca e Elvio Moretti - Acqualagna Furlo 

           RAW - Works in Yellow - Curated by Fabio Milani - Bat Gallery, Rome 

2020 - Back to the future - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           An Artist a day - Curated by Paola Valori - Micro review of contemporary visual arts, Rome 

           Domaninarte - Artistic Contest - Modern Art Gallery Rome Capital, Rome 

           Artist's Desktop - Thirty artists in quarantine - Nori de Nobili Museum - Three Castles (AN)

           Tiny Biennale - Perfection - curated by Shara Wasserman - Temple University - Rome

2019 - Portrait of woman - performance curated by Monica Pirone - Macro Asilo, Rome

           RAW - Dangerous Kindness - curated by Roberta Melasecca - Officine Nove, Rome 

           RAW - Closer to the universe where thought drowns - Monticello Complex, Rome 

           Tiny Biennale - Light - Curated by Shara Wasserman - Temple University, Rome 

           By the sea or in the city? - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Disobedience - Nori de Nobili Museum - curated by Maria Jannelli and Simona Zava - Trecastelli (AN) 


2018 - Women - Nine for Christmas - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

          Tiny Biennale - Night - Temple University Rome - Curated by Shara Wasserman

          Raw - Connections - Maddalena Space - P.zza della Maddalena, Rroma 

          A Porter Holidays - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2017 -  Peroni District - World Vision - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Tiny Biennale " Yellow" - Temple University Rome - Curated by Shara Wasserman

           Bowie Black Sturdust 2 - Spazio Cima Gallery, Rome  

           Raw - Hyperkaos - Bat Gallery Vicolo del Puttarello 31, Rome 

2016 - Bowie Black Sturdust - Spazio Cima Gallery, Rome 

2014 - Coffee Paint - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2013 - White Christmas? - Il Sole Gallery Contemporary Art, Rome 

           I.Slands - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2011 - My Home - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           First Friday - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Soratte Factories - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2010 - Minimum Lines - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

          All out all free - Il Ssole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2009 - Close Encounters - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

2008 - Big/Small format 2 - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome 

           Coffe Paint - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

           Collective Dwelling - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2007 - Big/ Small Format - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2006 - On Canvas - Il Sole Gallery of Contemporary Art, Rome

2005 - Fragments - The deconstructed and rediscovered self - Orologio Studio, Rome

2002/2001 Decoration work at Palazzo Marignoli, Spoleto

2001 - Winner of the first selections of the " Young Artists Prize" - S. Luca Accademy, Rome

2000/1999 Scenography work for show entitled "Shiver" by Enzo Celli (dance) - Olympic Theatre, Greek Theatre, Rome 

1996 - Tarot Cards in Contemporary Art - III Edition Adriano Petrocchi Prize - Savelli Castle - Palombara Sabina 

1994 - All The Colours of the world - Artists unite for Brasilian Street Children - Folklore Museum, Rome 











Events at Rome Art Week
Alessia Nardi
25 Oct 2023 | 16:00-21:00

Free access
Open Studio
Spazio Mimesis
Via Roccantica 8
 Pittura in vetrina
24-29 Oct 2022
Ideated by Silvia Pao - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Vernissage Monday 24 Oct 2022 | 17:00-21:00
Aria Design Lab, 5 Porzioni, Mamà food & mood, nAm naturaArtismagistra, La Gallina bah, Mood Boutique, OM Style, TerraAria
Quartiere Trieste
25 Oct 2022 | 18:00-21:00
Works of Emanuela Lena, Consuelo Mura, Alessia Nardi
Free access
Galleria Il Sole
Via Nomentana 125
Opere in Giallo
25 Oct-02 Dec 2021
Mostra Collettiva in omaggio al grande Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Vernissage Monday 25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
Opere in Giallo - Vernissage
25 Oct 2021 | 18:30-21:00
Omaggio al Maestro Achille Pace
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
26 Oct-14 Nov 2020
Collective exhibition
Free access
Bat-Gallery / Studio Milani
Vicolo del Puttarello, 31 ( Fontana di Trevi )
L’Infinito - Più vicini all’universo dove annega il pensiero
23-25 Oct 2019
Progetto per il bicentenario de L’Infinito di Leopardi
Free access
Complesso Monticello
Via Aurelia, 278
Dangerous kindness project
24 Oct 2019 | 17:00
La gentilezza è pericolosa - Curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Officine Nove
Vicolo del Casale Galvani 9
22-27 Oct 2018
Collective exhibition curated by Roberta Melasecca
Free access
Spazio Maddalena
Piazza della Maddalena 6
Alessia Nardi
10 Oct 2017 | 17:00-20:00

Free access
Open Studio
Galleria il Sole Arte Contemporanea
Via Alessandria, 110
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